Experiential learning opportunity

Concours: Les langues façonnent – CASLT

All of Canada
Jan 23 - March 5 2025
Areas of interest: Arts and Culture, French Second Language

How has learning a second or additional language impacted your life?

Each year the Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT) invites language learners across Canada to create a video that shares how learning a second or additional language has helped “build” their identity, personality, or society. Language Learners are encouraged to enter their videos in the Languages Build Video Contest for the chance to win prizes and be featured by CASLT. The contest is open to K-12!

Creating Your Video:

Create a video (maximum 3 minutes) that describes what “Languages Build” means to you.

Click here for further contest details on their website: Languages Build Video Contest – Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT) 



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