Experiential learning opportunity

“How to Code a Sandcastle” Live Event! (May 24th, 9-10am + 1:15-2:15pm)

All of NB
May 24th, 9-10am + 1:15-2:15pm
Areas of interest: Digital Literacy

The COEDI is thrilled to invite you to a live webinar that dives into the charming world of “How to Code a Sandcastle” by Josh Funk. This delightful picture book, illustrated by Sara Palacios, offers a unique and engaging way to introduce your students to the fundamentals of digital literacy and computational thinking.

About the Book: Pearl, alongside her trusty, rust-proof robot Pascal, embarks on a summer adventure to build the perfect sandcastle. With summer vacation drawing to a close, Pearl tackles this task by breaking it down into manageable steps and employing basic coding concepts such as conditionals and loops to direct Pascal’s actions. It’s a race against time, surfboards, and mischievous dogs, but Pearl’s coding skills might just be the key to a stunning sandcastle kingdom.

Webinar Highlights:

  • Discover Digital Literacy: Learn how to use Pearl’s story to teach coding concepts in a fun and accessible way.
  • Think Computationally: Engage with activities that foster computational thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Dive into Algorithms: Explore how Pearl’s step-by-step approach mirrors algorithmic thinking.
  • Interactive Activities: Participate in hands-on activities that you can bring back to your classroom to inspire your students.
  • Free Book + Activity Supplies: The first 10 teachers to register from each district will be sent a hard copy of the book, kinetic sand, and sand castle making supplies for use with your students!

Don’t miss this opportunity to enrich your teaching toolkit with digital literacy strategies and activities inspired by “How to Code a Sandcastle”. Let’s build a foundation for our students’ future, one sandcastle at a time!

Save Your Spot: Click here to register now and to secure your place in this exciting educational journey. We look forward to seeing you there!

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