Experiential learning opportunity

How Your School Can Become a Cisco “Networking Academy” Teacher PL

All of NB
Thursday, June 13, 3:45 to 4:15 p.m.
Areas of interest: Digital Literacy, Technology

Teachers! Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn how you can give your students free access to hundreds of hours of online IT training through Cisco’s Networking Academy program.

Click here to register!

Join us for a virtual professional learning session featuring Adam Binet, Lead at the Centre of Excellence for Digital Innovation, along with special guests Claire Ephestion, Program Manager for Cisco Networking Academy in New Brunswick, and other partners from Cisco.

In this informative session, you’ll discover:

  • The Networking Academy e-learning platform and extensive curriculum covering networking, cybersecurity, programming, and more
  • How students can earn industry-recognized digital badges and certifications
  • The simple steps for your school to become an official Cisco Networking Academy
  • The full support and resources available from Cisco and NBCC

By bringing the Networking Academy program to your school, you’ll be providing your students with invaluable digital skills training and pathways to rewarding IT careers – all at no cost!

Don’t miss this amazing free opportunity. Save your spot at this virtual PL session today!

By establishing your school as a Cisco Networking Academy, you can give your students 100% free access to hundreds of hours of high-quality, constantly updated e-learning courses on the Skills for All platform. These courses cover in-demand technology skills like networking, cybersecurity, programming, data analytics and more.

As a Networking Academy, your school can offer these cutting-edge courses to anywhere from just a few students to over 1,000+. Your students will gain valuable digital skills and industry certifications that are recognized by employers worldwide. This gives your students a big advantage when starting an IT career. Best of all, there is no cost to the school or students for this valuable training. Joining opens up amazing free resources to prepare your students for 21st century careers.

Imagine giving your students a golden ticket to the digital world. By establishing your school as a Cisco Networking Academy, you’re opening the door to a treasure trove of knowledge. Here’s what you can offer:

  • 100% Free Access: Your students won’t have to pay a dime for hundreds of hours of top-notch e-learning courses.
  • Flexibility: Whether you have 1 student or 1000, they can all benefit from this opportunity.
  • Relevant Skills: The courses are up-to-date, ensuring your students learn skills that are in demand in today’s job market.
  • Self-Paced Learning: Students can learn at their own speed, fitting education around their lives, not the other way around.

By joining the Skills for All platform, you’re not just teaching your students; you’re preparing them for a future where technology is key. They’ll thank you for the head start in their careers!

  • Who is Cisco Networks? Cisco is a very large and important technology company that makes computer networking equipment like routers and switches that allow devices to connect to the internet and communicate with each other.
  • Why is Cisco Networks important in the IT world? Cisco’s networking products and technologies are used by businesses, governments, schools and homes all over the world to build and operate their computer networks. Cisco is a pioneer and leader in networking technologies.
  • What is Cisco Networking Academy? The Networking Academy is an education program created by Cisco to teach people the skills needed for careers in information technology (IT) and networking. Courses cover topics like cybersecurity, programming, entrepreneurship and more.
  • What is Cisco Skills for All? Skills for All is Cisco’s program that provides free online courses and learning resources through the Networking Academy to help anyone, anywhere get started with digital skills training.
  • What is Cisco digital badging? Digital badges are online representations of the skills and certifications someone has earned by completing Cisco courses. Employers can easily verify these credentials.
  • What is an IT industry certification? An IT certification shows an employer that you have proven skills in a specific technology area like networking, cybersecurity or programming. Certifications make job candidates more competitive.


Cisco Networking Academy vs Cisco Skills for All:

Cisco Networking Academy:

  • This is an established educational program that offers comprehensive courses in IT, networking, cybersecurity, and other tech-related fields.
  • It’s designed for both students and instructors, providing curriculum, labs, and certification pathways.
  • The Academy often involves instructor-led training and may include access to physical or virtual lab equipment.
  • It’s ideal for those looking for a structured learning environment, often with the guidance of a teacher or mentor.

Cisco Skills for All:

  • Skills for All is a more recent initiative by Cisco that provides free, self-paced online learning.
  • It’s designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or education level.
  • The platform focuses on in-demand tech skills and aligns its courses with entry-level IT jobs and industry certifications.
  • It’s perfect for learners who prefer a flexible approach to education, allowing them to learn at their own pace and convenience.

In essence, while both platforms aim to provide education in technology, Cisco Networking Academy is more traditional and structured, often requiring enrollment through educational institutions. In contrast, Cisco Skills for All is more flexible and open, offering free courses directly to individuals who want to learn online at their own pace.

Below is a listing of just some of the courses available for free on Cisco’s Skills for All e-learning platform! For more details on these courses, new courses, learning pathways, and digital bading, head to: https://skillsforall.com/catalog?category=course

  • Introduction to Cybersecurity (6 hours) – This course teaches you the basics of cybersecurity and how to protect your digital life from cyber threats. You’ll learn about the biggest security challenges that companies, governments, and schools face today. Cybersecurity professionals who can defend networks are in high demand.
  • Networking Basics (22 hours) – Learn about computer networks, how devices like computers and phones connect to them, and how data flows through a network. You’ll also learn how to use different network applications and protocols to do networking tasks. This course can give you a start towards a career in technology.
  • Networking Devices & Initial Configuration (22 hours) – Find out about different network devices like routers and switches, and how to set them up initially. You’ll exploreCloud and Virtualization technologies too. By the end, you’ll know how to give devices network addresses and create a small working network.
  • Endpoint Security (27 hours) – Discover ways to secure the computers, devices and software connected at the edges of your network. You’ll assess the network and endpoints for vulnerabilities, then learn how to secure them properly. The goal is to maintain data confidentiality, integrity and availability.
  • Network Defense (27 hours) – This course covers tools and techniques to monitor your network for security threats. You’ll learn about access control, firewalls, cloud security and encryption to provide a layered defense strategy.
  • Cyber Threat Management (16 hours) – Learn how to develop policies and ensure your organization follows legal rules and ethical standards. You’ll gain skills to assess network risks, manage threats, and respond properly to security incidents.
  • Computer Hardware Basics (6 hours) – Understand the basic components that make up different kinds of computers – from smartphones to servers. You’ll explore how they work and learn basic troubleshooting methods.
  • Operating Systems Basics (12 hours) – Learn about operating systems which run on computers and mobile devices. Discover their key characteristics, how to implement basic security, and configure networking.
  • Network Addressing and Basic Troubleshooting (14 hours) – Study the layers that enable network connectivity and how devices get addresses to communicate. You’ll calculate IP addressing schemes and practice troubleshooting.
  • Network Support and Security (12 hours) – This course teaches skills for supporting users, networks and devices in a secure way. You’ll learn troubleshooting, documenting issues, remote access and working on a help desk team.
  • Introduction to Data Science (6 hours) – Get an intro to the field of data science and how machine learning impacts business, healthcare and education using data analysis. Data scientists are in high demand.
  • Data Analytics Essentials (30 hours) – Learn essential data analytics tools like spreadsheets for organizing data, SQL databases for storing/querying data, and Tableau for visualizations.
  • Python Essentials 1 (30 hours) – Start learning Python, one of the most popular programming languages used by tech companies. No prior experience is needed for this beginners’ course.
  • Python Essentials 2 (40 hours) – Continue building your Python skills to an advanced level, including object-oriented programming. You’ll create a portfolio to showcase your coding abilities.
  • Intro to IoT & Digital Transformation (6 hours) – Discover the Internet of Things and how it is transforming industries by connecting everyday devices to networks. Emerging technologies like AI are creating new job opportunities.

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