Experiential learning opportunity

Unlock the Future with Artificial Intelligence: AI Fundamentals with IBM SkillsBuild e-Learning Course

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Areas of interest: Artificial Intelligence

Unlock your potential in AI with this comprehensive course from IBM SkillsBuild.

Students and teachers: Are you ready to explore one of the most transformative and exciting technologies of our time? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing nearly every industry, from healthcare and finance to transportation and entertainment. By mastering the fundamentals of AI, you’ll gain a competitive edge and position yourself at the forefront of the 21st-century workforce.

The Centre of Excellence for Digital Innovation is proud to offer a cutting-edge, self-paced course on AI, designed to empower learners of all ages with the knowledge and skills to thrive in an AI-driven world. This 10-hour comprehensive course will take you on a journey through the fascinating world of AI, from its historical roots to its current applications and future potential. Upon successful completion, you will also recieve a digital badge! If you would like to enroll, simply email: adam.binet@gnb.ca

Here’s what you can expect to learn:

  1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Gain a solid understanding of what AI is, its different forms, and its impact across various domains.
  2. Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision: Explore how AI systems can understand and interpret human language, as well as perceive and analyze visual data.
  3. Machine Learning and Deep Learning: Dive into the core concepts and techniques that enable AI systems to learn from data and make intelligent decisions.
  4. Hands-on AI Model Building: Leverage industry-leading tools like IBM Watson Studio to build, train, and deploy your own machine learning models.
  5. AI Ethics: Explore the ethical considerations and implications of AI, ensuring responsible development and deployment of these powerful technologies.
  6. Your Future in AI: Gain insights into the rapidly growing AI job market and the skills and opportunities that await you.

Why is AI an important tool to learn in the 21st century? Simply put, AI is reshaping the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. From virtual assistants and self-driving cars to personalized healthcare and intelligent automation, AI is transforming industries and creating new possibilities. By acquiring AI skills, you’ll be equipped to tackle complex problems, drive innovation, and thrive in an increasingly technological society.

Don’t miss this opportunity to future-proof your career and gain a competitive edge. Enroll in the AI course at the Centre of Excellence for Digital Innovation today and embark on an exciting journey of discovery and empowerment. Together, we can unlock the full potential of AI and shape a better tomorrow.

Full course details:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is among the hottest technologies reshaping the future of work! Here’s your opportunity to build your knowledge, understand what AI can mean for your future, and visualize yourself in an AI-driven career. You’ll begin by exploring AI’s history, then discover how it can change the world around you. As you progress, you will delve into how AI understands language, interprets images, and learns using neural networks modeled after the human brain. You’ll complete a series of simulations to build and test a machine learning model using IBM Watson Studio, then you’ll learn about AI ethics and finish with tips on how to navigate the fast growing AI job market.

Get started today and take the first step toward becoming an integral part of the future AI workforce.

Here’s what you will learn.

start Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
start Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision
start Machine Learning and Deep Learning
start Run AI Models with IBM Watson Studio
start AI Ethics
start Your Future in AI: The Job Landscape
start The Money Maker GANs Game