Experiential learning opportunity

Cisco Cyber Summer Camp

All of NB, Online
Areas of interest: Cybersecurity, Digital Literacy

Become a cyber defender with Cisco!

Join the first ever Cisco Cyber Summer Camp! A cutting-edge summer program for youth to acquire the skills and knowledge to safely navigate cyberspace. As instructors, you play a crucial role in guiding learners toward careers in cybersecurity, making smart choices, and responsible digital citizens. An online learning experience!

Click HERE to register!

Join Cisco Cyber Camp this summer as a fully online experience to make a long-lasting impact on the cyber community.


A glimpse of what is in store this summer:


Cyber Wiz – A 3-hour module series for younger learners introducing topics about safely navigating cyber space specifically cyberbullying, protecting personal data, passwords, and understanding your digital footprint.

Cyber Defender – An 8-hour cybersecurity course to enhance learners understanding of skills. At this level our campers can earn a digital badge as a proud symbol of their achievements shareable to demonstrate their experience.