
Energy Sources and Choices

Grades 9-12
Subjects: Environmental Science 120, Science

*French Resources are Available as Attachments


In this lesson, students think about ways they use energy in their daily lives and identify the sources of energy involved.

They consider different sources that can be used for heating and transportation and choose one to learn more about. Students discuss concepts of energy efficiency, energy conservation and sustainability and generate questions about energy sources and choose one to learn more about.

This is the first lesson of seven in an energy choices unit design for grade 11 and 12.  Other lessons can be found at | FortisBC – Energy Leaders

NB Curriculum Connections

Introduction to Environmental Science 120

  • identify links between personal behavior and local, regional and global environmental issues
  • become aware of the range of issues arising from overpopulation and human activity
  • explore how technology is used to gather and communicate information, and to address the issues

What you’ll need


  1. On a scale of 1 to 10, ask students how much energy they think they use in a day. With a show of hands,
  2. tally the results on the board. Invite a few students to explain why they rated themselves as they did. Organize students into pairs to fill in the Energy Use section of the Energy Sources and Choices Student Handout.
  3. Show slide 2 of the Energy Sources and Choices Slideshow. have students complete the rest of the Energy Sources and Choices Student Handout, identifying the possible sources of energy for each category and completing the follow up questions.
  4. Read and discuss the energy footprint section at the end of the student handout.
  5. As a class, brainstorm possible questions for their inquiry to help students begin generating their own questions. Use the Energy Inquiry Questions for ideas as needed.
  6. Review the Energy Inquiry Student Handout. Brainstorm inquiry questions.
  7. Determine criteria and assessment for their inquiry before the students begin. Allow time for students to do their research and prepare their findings either to submit or to share with the class.

NB Global Competencies

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Sustainability and Global Citizenship


Activity downloaded from Environmental Sc. 12 – Energy sources and choices | FortisBC – Energy Leaders