
Power Smart for Schools

Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, Grades K-2
Subjects: English Language Arts, Explore Your World, Science, Social Studies


Power Smart for Schools is a resource that provides over 100 activities for all grade levels in both official languages, produced by BC Hydro.

All activities are in both official languages.

Activity themes include energy, conservation, electricity, sustainability and safety and can hit a variety of curricular goals at all grade levels in New Brunswick

NB Curricular Connections

K-5: Explore Your World

  • Strand: Diversity and Social Responsibility – Big Idea: Sustainable Futures,

Science 6-8:

  • Strand: Scientific Literacy – Big Ideas: Investigation, Sensemaking, Communication
  • Strand: Learning and Living Sustainably – Big Idea: Responsible and Sustainable Application

Science 9-10

  • Strand: Scientific Literacy – Big Ideas: Investigation, Sensemaking, Communication
  • Strand: Learning and Living Sustainably – Big Ideas: Responsible and Sustainable Application, Responsible Application and Sustainable Practices

What You’ll Need

  • Computer


  1. Visit Power Smart for Schools | BCHydro Power Smart for Schools
  2. Create an account
  3. Start exploring the resources

Some of our favorites include:

Impacts of climate change | BCHydro Power Smart for Schools

Melting ice experiment | BCHydro Power Smart for Schools

Is solar energy feasible? | BCHydro Power Smart for Schools

Reflection Activities





Power Smart for Schools | BCHydro Power Smart for Schools


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