Experiential learning opportunity

Automatic Millionaire Book Study Session 3

December 14, 2023
Areas of interest: Business, Financial Literacy

Are you interested in taking control of your finances and expediting your journey to financial freedom? We are excited to announce an upcoming book study for teachers on the bestselling book “The Automatic Millionaire” by David Bach.

This practical personal finance book provides a simple, automated system to build wealth even on a modest salary. Throughout multiple sessions across this school year, we’ll explore lessons from the book including:

  • The “set it and forget it” system of paying yourself first
  • How to automate saving and investing
  • The power of starting early and compound interest
  • Overcoming obstacles that derail financial goals
  • Strategies to build net worth on a teacher’s salary
  • And much more!

Through reading and discussing this book, you will learn an accessible approach to money management that prioritizes saving and investing as a regular expense. By implementing these automatic, “no budget” systems you can reach financial freedom.

We look forward to diving into these transformative lessons and having thought-provoking discussions around the book’s core concepts. Please join us in this journey to financial empowerment!

You can access the recording from session #3, hosted by Lisa Legere of FCNB here: https://youtu.be/QSYURixhYw8