Experiential learning opportunity

Grades 3-5 IDEA Market Kit Professional Learning Session

All of NB
Tuesday, April 9th 3:30-4pm
Areas of interest: Careers, English Language Arts, Entrepreneurship

Click here to register for the professional learning session on Tuesday, April 8th from 3:30-4pm

Click here to view the entire Grades 3-5 Idea Market Kit


Specifically for elementary learners, our 3-5 IDEA Market Kit is a free resource, created by The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s Centre of Excellence for Entrepreneurship team, with three key goals in mind:

  • Support the development of Global Competencies in NB youth, while growing the entrepreneurial spirit
  • Support the learning objectives, which guide classroom instruction, through the Holistic Curriculum Framework with a focus on civics, personal wellness, literacy, and numeracy
  • Provide free and equitable access to authentic, relevant and New Brunswick-focused teaching resources, that connects learning objectives to the broader community and a learner’s desired future

The primary focus of this learning is on social entrepreneurship and inspiring learners to solve problems in their community. This learner-driven project will prompt a deep investigation of an issue in the community and guide classes to collaborate in the development and implementation of innovative solutions.

The kit is enhanced with expert knowledge from our partners at Venn Innovation, as well as the following NB Educators and classes, who piloted the kit in the Spring of 2024:

  • Melissa Cossaboom – Edith Cavell School, ASD-E
  • Lindy Hewett – L. E. Reinsborough Elementary, ASD-N
  • Neil Martell – Lakefield Elementary School, ASD-S
  • Josie Perry – Mountain View School, ASD-E

Their vital feedback is woven into the finished product, along with suggestions, exemplars, and success stories.

Time Frame

The 3-5 IDEA Market Kit was designed with flexibility in mind – for the educator and the learners. Educators can use the entirety of the guide or select sections of units that fit their class best. Depending on what “opportunity” a class decides to take on, can also affect the timing in which the kit is completed. Generally, plan on 4-6 weeks for completion, ideally once educators have a strong grasp on who their learners are. Recommended times of the school year to begin and complete: November – December, January – March, April – May.