About us

The Centre of Excellence initiative is an opportunity to reimagine how students, across K-12, learn about aspects of specific sectors.

By collaborating with numerous partners, the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD) can invigorate sector-specific education in the school system.

This includes enriching the delivery of curriculum in many subject areas with content based on authentic practices, opportunities for experiential learning, remotely connecting learners and experts, and exploring current and emerging issues.

Centres of Excellence support the school system and partners in many ways: 

Virtual Access

  • Supports equity and access across all schools
  • Promotes school-to-school collaboration
  • Allows for sharing of key messages
  • Content can be collected, maintained, and reused

Personalization and Experiential Learning

  • Provides interest-based personalized learning options 
  • Demonstrates labour market and post-secondary pathways 
  • Acts as a centre for sector-specific experiential learning opportunities 
  • Opportunities for dual-credit and custom programs


  • Enhances delivery of curricular outcomes across K-12 
  • Supports teacher professional learning 
  • Connects students to real-world applications of learning 
  • Leverages current topics and events in the sector


  • Enables partners to engage across the education system more easily 
  • Builds on mutually beneficial goals of EECD and partners 
  • Provide collection point for information for families 
  • Leverages power of networking to reduce gaps and duplication 

Become a partner

Work directly with members of the future workforce – students! 

Learning activities

Explore a variety of activities to expand your classroom knowledge through active learning.