Experiential learning opportunity

Teacher PL: Critical Inquiry and Meaning Making & Communication and Collaboration in K-5 Classrooms 

All of NB
March 14 at 3:30 pm
Areas of interest: Critical Inquiry and Meaning Making, Digital Literacy

In an era of misinformation and disinformation, teaching our youth media literacy and critical thinking skills is imperative. As part of our Digital Literacy Framework empowering students with essential online skills, we are honored to host a timely truth-seeking workshop for educators.

During this session, K-5 teachers will receive resources and methods to impart critical analysis abilities, enabling students to separate fact from fiction in their digital journeys. Attendees will also discuss nurturing ethical digital citizenship and producing content with integrity.


In this digital age of endless information, how do we know what is true and what is false? We will walk-through resources which will help young learners develop skills to know how to verify what they see, hear, and read online. We will also discuss the value, impact, and importance of belonging to digital communities and networks. Audience: Primary (K-2) and Elementary (3-5) Educators 

REGISTER NOW https://forms.office.com/r/4SKcHkPqgg 


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