
Using Green Screen for Just About Any Subject!

Grades 6-8
Subjects: Technology


Have you ever seen a movie where the characters are flying through the air, or standing in a magical kingdom? Well, that’s what green screen technology is all about!

Green screens are used by movie makers and television shows to create special effects and make it look like the characters are in a different place or doing something really cool. It’s like magic! You can make it look like you’re anywhere you can imagine, just by using this special green screen and some computer software.

There are people who use green screen technology as part of their job or career every day. For example, there are video makers who use green screens to create commercials and music videos, special effects artists who make movies and TV shows even more amazing, and weather reporters who use green screens to show what the weather is like in different parts of the world.

Isn’t that so cool? By using green screens, these people get to use their creativity and imagination to make amazing things that people all over the world can enjoy!

In this learning activity, teachers and students will be shown how green screens work and how to use an iPad to record video and edit as a green screen. A green screen is a special kind of screen that can be used in video making. It’s green because when we take a video of our puppets in front of the screen, we can later change the background to anything we want using special computer software. This means that we can make it look like our puppets are in any place or situation we can imagine!

Using creative technology tools like green screens is a great way to learn because it helps us use our imaginations and be creative in new ways. It also helps us practice important skills, like working together in a group, using technology, and telling stories. Plus, it’s just a lot of fun!


What you will need

  • iPad
  • Camera
  • Props, if needed
  • Some sort of green screen (Bristol board or painted cardboard boxes work fine!).
  • Go to YouTube and watch some how-to videos on using green screens in iMovie (here’s one)



  1. Plan your story: Decide what you want your puppets to do in the movie. Write down a simple script that you and your friends can follow.
  2. Set up the green screen: Find a green background and hang it up behind your puppet stage. Make sure the green screen covers the entire background and there are no wrinkles or folds.
  3. Choose your puppets: Pick out your favorite puppets and arrange them on the puppet stage in front of the green screen.
  4. Record your movie: Using an iPad, record yourself and your friends acting out the script with the puppets. Make sure the puppets are in the center of the screen and the green background is visible all around them.
  5. Edit your video: Use a video editing app on the iPad to edit your movie (iMovie). Cut out any mistakes or parts you don’t like.
  6. Replace the green screen: Use the same video editing app to replace the green screen with a background of your choice. You can choose anything you want – a castle, a forest, or even a spaceship!
  7. Add special effects: Use the editing app to add special effects like sound effects or music to make your movie even more fun.
  8. Share your movie: When you’re done, share your movie with your friends and family. Show them how you used green screen technology and your imagination to create a fun and creative movie.

Most importantly: have fun making your movie! Remember, the most important thing is to use your imagination and have fun!

Career Connections

  • Film Director – A Film Director is the person who is in charge of making a movie or a video. They work with actors, camera crew, and others to bring their vision to life.
  • Video Editor – A Video Editor is the person who takes all the footage shot for a movie or a video and puts it together to make it look good and tell a story.
  • VFX Artist – VFX stands for Visual Effects. A VFX Artist uses computer software to create special effects in movies and videos, like making characters fly or buildings explode.
  • Cinematographer – A Cinematographer is the person in charge of how a movie or a video looks. They decide what the camera shots will be and how the lighting will be done.
  • Green Screen Operator – A Green Screen Operator is the person who helps make special effects in movies and videos. They use a green screen, which is a special type of background, to make it look like people and things are in different places than they really are.


NB Curricular Outcomes

Tech Operations & Concepts
GCO 1: Students will understand technological operations and concepts.
SCO 1.1: Students will use technological operations and concepts
SCO 1.2: Students will be able to use tools and technology applications safely.
SCO 1.3: Students will conceptualize, design, and create products respective of standards and specifications.
SCO 1.4: Students will communicate information and ideas using a variety of multimedia.

GCO 2: Students will practice critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
SCO 2.1: Students will investigate and solve technological problems.
SCO 2.3: Students will work in teams to solve problems.
SCO 2.5: Students will understand and demonstrate computer coding/programming concepts and terminology.


NB Global Competencies


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