
Exploring New Brunswick Entrepreneurs

Grades 6-8
Subjects: Career Connected Learning, English Language Arts


Learners will explore real-life entrepreneurs who have developed success businesses in New Brunswick. Ingrid Munroe offers a product (The NB Box gifting) and Lauchlan Ough offers a service (Cypher Creative Videography and Photography).  Explore the strengths, skills, and challenges that they needed to achieve their goals.

NB Curricular Connections

English Language Arts (6-8)

  • Strand: Interactions – Big Ideas: Expression
  • Strand: Interactions – Big Ideas: Exchanges

What You’ll Need

  • Video links Ingrid Munroe HERE, Lauchlan Ough HERE


  1. Part 1: As a class, small groups, or individually students explore Ingrid Munroe’s entrepreneurship journey and the business she has created. Website and video resources are included above.
  2. Questions to facilitate a class discussion:
    • What is the NB Box and what products does it offer?
    • What were the main challenges that Ingrid faced and how did she overcome them?
    • What strategies did she use to make her business successful?
    • What does success mean to you?
  3. Learners complete the same process with Lauchlan Ough
  4. Questions to facilitate a class discussion:
    • What is Cypher Creative and what services does it offer?
    • What were the main challenges that Lauchlan faced and how did he overcome them?
    • What strategies did he use to make his business successful?
  5. Part 2: Comparative Discussion and Conclusion. Students compare and contrast the experiences of Ingrid and Lauchlan. In either written, oral, or any desired form students can respond to the following questions:
    • What is Cypher Creative and what services does it offer?
    • What were the main challenges that Lauchlan faced and how did he overcome them?
    • What strategies did he use to make his business successful?
  6. Students come together as a class to share their ideas and summarize the key take aways.
  7. Students complete an exit slip reflecting on how they might apply the entrepreneurial skills to their own lives, regardless of their future career path.

Extension Activity

Explore additional New Brunswick entrepreneurs on the Centre of Excellence for Entrepreneurship website under Speaker Series. Learners can also adventure into Canadian wide entrepreneurs and their story.

Reflection Activity

Please see the attached PDF for several choices on how you and your learners can reflect upon today’s activity.


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