
Learning To Pitch An IDEA

Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12
Subjects: English Language Arts


Students to develop their ability to ‘pitch’ an idea to an audience.  Participants have the opportunity to develop a plan to present an idea of their own making and present a pitch for a new and innovative product, service or venture. This lesson plan is designed to be used in classrooms to teach students persuasive writing and public speaking skills.

NB Curricular Connections

English Language Arts (Grades 6-8)

  • Strand: Reading – Big Idea: Vocabulary – Skill Descriptor: Recognize how different strategies are used to determine the meaning of words.
  • Strand: Reading – Big Idea: Reading Comprehension – Skill Descriptor: Adjust and use a wide variety of strategies to make meaning
  • Strand: Representations – Big Idea: Process, Composition

English Language Arts (Grade 9)

  • Strand: Interactions – Big Idea: Expression, Exchanges
  • Strand: Representations – Big Idea: Composition

What you’ll need

  • Screen for sharing the video
  • Speakers
  • Bag of random items: These could be items found around your classroom, such as a calculator, a post-it note pad, a highlighter, a stapler, a stress ball, etc.


    • Explain that today’s topic will be pitching and that students will be completing an activity to let them practice this important business skill.
    • Review the basic criteria for a great pitch with students “Judging Criteria 8.10” (attached) and invite students to score the video pitches they are going to watch.
    • Show one or more of the following videos that demonstrate a strong pitch:

    Quick Flip Shark Tank Winner –

    Sham Wow –

    Josh Light –

  1. Divide the class into teams. Ask who in the class might be excited or comfortable demonstrating a pitch.  Assign those students the role of captain.  The goal would be to have teams of 4 – 5 students per team.  Once captains are chosen, the other students in the class can be assigned to a captain by numbering off or picking colored pieces of paper, etc.
  2. Have the captains chose a random item from the bag.
  3. Students will have 20 minutes to prepare a 2-minute pitch in their teams for their chosen object. One student, a few students or all students can be involved in the actual pitching.
  4. Students will pitch their product. Teachers could provide a small prize for the winning team based on a classroom vote.
  5. Pitch CriteriaProblem-solving:  Can you convince us that there is a problem that you are going to solve?

    Innovation:  Is your solution unique and creative?

    Time limit:  Can you use the whole two minutes in a compelling and productive manner?

    Communication:  Be quick, clever and convincing!

    How viable is your solution?  Could your idea actually be produced and go to Market?

Extension ideas

  • Discuss how pitches could be improved. Did students take time to convince the audience that they were solving a problem?  Did phrases, such as “this thing right here” get overused?  Is there a way to have better word choice when you need to keep referring to your object?  Did the full 2 minutes get used efficiently?
  • Reiterate that pitching is a skill which can be improved and that with practice pitching gets better and easier.

Reflection Activity

Please see the attached PDF for several choices on how you and your learners can reflect upon today’s activity.  The High School reflection activity will be coming soon! 

Global Competencies


Activity created by Janet Seeley of HVHS & Ries Van Beek.