The main objective of this lesson is to guide learners in understanding and identifying their passions, strengths, and skills. By exploring these elements, learners will gain insight into their unique abilities and interests, fostering self-awareness and paving the way for informed decision-making in their academic and personal lives.
NB Curricular Connections
English Language Arts
- Strand: Interactions – Big Ideas: Expression (K-2, 3-5)
- Strand: Reading – Big Ideas: Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension (3-5)
- Strand: Representations – Big Idea: Composition (K-2, 3-5)
- Strand: Number – Big Idea: Number Sense (K-2, 3-5)
- Strand: Statistics and Probability – Big Idea: Data Analysis (3-5)
Explore Your World (K-2)
- Strand: Well-Being Big Idea: Emotional Health and Positive Identities Skill Descriptor: Identify interests, passions, and strengths.
What You’ll Need
- PowerPoint Presentation – Slides #1-4
- Chart paper
- Writing utensils
- This Is Me! Printable (1 per learner, Who am I Who are we)
- Pencils
- Scissors
- Glue or clear tape
- 1 copy of Pictographs or Bar Graphs Printable (3 copies, 1 per group, Who am I Who are we)
- Around the Room: Begin with writing Passion, Strength, and Skill, in large letters, on three separate pieces of chart paper. Place these charts around the room.
- Ask learners to share what they know about each of these three words. Building upon each others’ responses. State the definitions form Slide #2 of the PowerPoint Presentation.
- Passion – a topic or interest that is so important to me, that it causes me to feel BIG emotions (anger, frustration, joy, or happiness)
- Strength – something that I am naturally gifted at, and it is a part of who I am
- Skill – something that I have spent many hours learning and practicing, and now, I could help others with it
- Have learners complete the Who Am I? page (included) after you have read and looked it over as a whole group. Have learners find a partner to share a few of their passions, strengths, and skills with.
- Emphasize that our peers can sometimes see things in us that we don’t see, to encourage any learner struggling to find their passions, strengths, and skills. Choosing their favorite 1-2 Passions, Strengths, and Skills, have learners complete the This Is Me! printable (below) and follow the instructions on the page. Learners will add their own unique passions, strengths, and skills to the Charts that were used in the previous activity.
- Gather and take time to examine the group strengths, passions, and skill charts. Count how many different strengths and skills are represented in the classroom. Compare results: “Are there more strengths or more skills?” Examine the variety of both. Discuss: “Why would it be necessary for many different strengths and skills to be present in our group? What does this variety mean for us?”
- Divide learners into 3 groups. Provide each group a bar graph printable (below) and have learners work together to create a bar graph representing the number of passions, strengths, and skills within their classroom. Review that each passion, strength, or skill is listed below the bottom line and the bar is drawn as high as needed to match the corresponding number of learners who have that passion, strength, or skill. Numbers listed vertically can be listed in 1s, 2s, or 5s. For an example, look at Slide #4.
Reflection Activity
Please see the attached PDF for several choices on how you and your learners can reflect upon today’s activity.