
Make a Match

Grades 6-8
Subjects: English Language Arts


Make a Match lesson is encouraged to follow up “Current World Issues” lesson which identified local issues. Embark on this interactive student activity to match skills and abilities to create solutions to local issues.

NB Curricular Connections

English Language Arts

Strand: Interactions – Big Idea: Expression – Skill Descriptor: Describe and contribute thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and compare to those of their peers.

Strand: Interactions – Big Idea: Expression – Skill Descriptor: Express and support ideas and opinions with evidence

What You’ll Need

  • Make a Match: Problem & Solution printable.


  1. Use the identified local issues from the previous class and set them up around the room, with a piece of chart paper and pencils. Learners are encouraged to brainstorm possible next steps towards a solution of this issue, along with the kinds of people needed to enact their idea.
  2. Chart papers should be divided into 2 columns: “Idea/Solution” & “People/Skills Needed”
  3. Divide the class into small groups and have them rotate every 5-8 minutes, visiting each issue. Take the time to review all issues and the ideas and solutions created.
  4. Find My Match: Have learners individually rotate around the room looking for a MATCH – an idea/solution that needs the skills that they have. There possibly will be more than one and students can pick and choose the issue that they would like to try to help solve. If there are no matches, have students choose the issue that they feel like they could contribute to and add their skills to help solve. Allow learners time to share their match!


Reflection Activity

Please see the attached PDF for several choices on how you and your learners can reflect on today’s activity.


Make a Match

Global Competencies