Experiential learning opportunity

Young Minds, Big Ideas! Funding for Youth Entrepreneurs

Areas of interest: Business, Entrepreneurship

Starting a Business

Becoming an entrepreneur and starting a business as a youth is an exciting journey filled with challenges and opportunities. Entrepreneurs need an array of tools to start a business including a business idea, a business plan describing objectives and strategies, finances, and target market! Learn more about regulations, taxation, and programs for financing here! For more information regarding start up plans, click here.

Youth Entrepreneurship Programs

Youth Entrepreneurship Programs are available for young entrepreneurs looking to start their business. Canadians aged 15-39 are eligible for financing, mentoring, scholarships, business opportunities, and more! The list of opportunities including their eligibility rules are listed below. Read more here.

Futurpreneur Canada Start-up Program

  • Youth entrepreneurs are eligible for up to $60,000 in financing, mentoring, and additional resources. Must be:
    • 18-39 years old
    • Create a business plan for a business that will employ you full time
    • Agree to work with a mentor for up to two years
    • Own at least 51% of your business
  • For more information, click here

BDC – Young Entrepreneur

  • Eligible for funding or services to support businesses including start-up financing, small business lending, coaching, and advice.
  • For more information, click here

Summer Company

  • Students returning to school in the fall, are eligible for up to $3000 to help start and run a summer business. Must be:
    • Age 15-29
    • Proposing a new business idea
    • Resident of Ontario and Canadian Citizen
    • Not working more than 12 hours per week during the program
  • For more information, click here

Junior Achievement Canada

  • Local businesses partner with your school’s teachers to give real-world skills and mentorship from local business leaders
  1. Financial literacy – Learn how to create and manage wealth, and skill development
  2. Work Readiness – Learn how to communicate, network, interview for jobs and collaborate with diverse groups
  3. Entrepreneurship – Gain firsthand experience running a successful business creating business plans, innovating, and brining a new product to market
  • For more information, click here

CBDC – Financing and Funding

  • Access to flexible financing, training, and support services
  • Opportunities for youth entrepreneurs including Youth Loan, First-Time Entrepreneur Loan, General Business Loan, Women in New Brunswick, and Innovation Loan
  • Additional resources for funding and youth entrepreneur support click here

Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmer’s Program

  • Mentoring, scholarships, and resources available for young farm operators (at least 2/3 of gross income from farming) or students pursuing post-secondary education in agriculture
  • For more information, click here

OUT for Business Youth Entrepreneur Program

  • Youth entrepreneur eligible for support to grow your business with mentoring and networking opportunities. Must be:
    • Identify as a member of 2SLGBTQI+ community
    • Between 18-39 years old
    • Registered business in Canada
  • For more information, click here


  • Youth entrepreneurs facing mental health or addiction challenges, can get $300-$10,000 to help start, grow, or promote your product or service. Must be:
    • Canadian entrepreneurs aged 16-29
    • Self-identifying as someone facing mental health or addiction challenges
  • For more information, click here