Experiential learning opportunity

Stay Out of Fraud’s Reach! A Webinar

March 26th 9- 9:45am
Areas of interest: Entrepreneurship, Technology

Explore the world of scams and learn how to outsmart fraudsters!

Fraudsters and scammers are improving their tactics to harvest personal data. This includes online gaming cons, social media scams, online shopping scams, fake websites, phishing emails, online survey and contests, and beyond!

The consequences of falling for a fraud or scam can be devastating – financial loss, identity theft, access to your accounts, amidst the emotional distress and time and effort of trying to deal with the aftermath.

Stay Out of Fraud’s Reach

Join the New Brunswick Financial and Consumer Services Commission (FCNB) webinar, “Stay Out of Fraud’s Reach” designed specifically for middle and high school students trying to protect themselves from frauds and scams.

Educating students about online safety, critical thinking, and responsible digital citizenship can help protect themselves and avoid future fraud and scams. The goal of this webinar is to learn about common types of fraud and scams that target youth (video gaming, crypto scams and online shopping); how to spot red flags such as easy money, requests for personal information; and how to protect yourself from fraud!

Don’t miss out on FCNB’s “Stay Out of Fraud’s Reach” engaging and interactive opportunity! Ensure you are equipped with the tools to navigate the online world securely.

Join Us!

The webinar is aimed to fit into a class timeslot March 29th, 9 – 9: 45 am. The webinar is free and open to all students in New Brunswick! To register click HERE and fill out the form. You will receive a confirmation email with the link to join!

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