
K-2: Where IS This Light? Book Guide

Grades K-2
Subjects: English Language Arts, Explore Your World


This guide features pre-reading and after reading activities to go along with the inspirational book, Where IS This Light? written by New Brunswick author, Robyn Allaby. Primary learners will be encouraged to find the light that lives inside of them, while learning about self-awareness, kindness, and the power of positive affirmations.

NB Curricular Connections

Explore Your World

  • Strand: Well-Being – Big Idea: Emotional Health and Positive Identities

English Language Arts

  • Strand: Interactions – Big Idea: Expression – Skill Descriptor: Express feelings and opinions and give simple descriptions of experiences.
  • Strand: Reading – Big Idea: Reading Comprehension

What You’ll Need

  • Where IS This Light? book (By: Robyn Allaby and Illustrated by: Candice Lee Smith)
  • 1 small light source (glow stick, flashlight, battery-operated candle)
  • I AM Hand Tracing Printable (see PDF attached)
  • Pencils
  • Crayons or Pencil Crayons


Where Is the Light? Game (PRE-READING): Before reading the book, have students sit together in a common area in the classroom. Discuss: “What are some objects in our room that give light?” Have students share their thoughts. (Responses: lamp, Smart Board or projector, iPad, overhead lights, fish tank, etc.). Using one small light source (glowstick, battery-operated candle, flashlight, etc.) HIDE this light source around the room, as you ask students to close their eyes. Once you say, “Where Is the Light?,” students can open their eyes and try to find the light. Repeat several times. You may even try it while turning the lights off. Have students discuss if it was easier to find in the light or in the darkness, and why.

Singing (PRE-READING): Gather together as a group and discuss:  Just like the game we played, today we are going to discover all kinds of light around us and INSIDE of us! Let us learn a song about a light that lives inside of us. Feel free to sing acapella, play an instrument, or find an online source for the song as you teach students the lyrics:

This Little Light of Mine (by: Harry Dixon Loes, 1920)

This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine

This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine

This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine

Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine

Encourage students to create actions to go along with the lyrics or use rhythm instruments to play along.

READ ALOUD – Where IS This Light?: Looking at the cover, have students infer what light the little boy is looking at. Discuss: Are their different lights in the daytime and at nighttime? (Discuss natural lights of the sun, moon, and stars vs man-made lights). Teacher’s note: Encourage students to sing This Little Light of Mine each time it is mentioned in the book.

Discussion – Sharing Circle (AFTER READING): Using your one light source from the game earlier, pass the light around and have each student share one takeaway thought, idea, or favorite part from the book.

I AM Hand Tracing Activity: (AFTER READING): Using the printable provided below, have students trace their hand on the page. Within each finger and thumb, have students print five, “I am….” sentences. These can be from the book (pages 16-18), or students can create their own. Once written, have students draw their face in the middle of their handprint and colour with given colouring materials. Next, pass out a glow stick to each student. On the count of three, have students break/bend their glowstick as they say their 5 I AM sentences. As they speak their I AMs, their “light” will grow brighter!

Wrap-Up (AFTER READING): Discuss: Do you know that you can have more than one job? And more than one job that helps people find their own light? Let the students know a little more about Robyn Allaby by reading page 38. Discuss: What other jobs do people have that help people find the light that is inside of them?

Extension Ideas

  • Create a class “Light Grow” book for the classroom library. Each student can author and illustrate a page in the booklet on an action that makes their light grow (pg.14-15 has some ideas to get you started.)
  • Create a “Light” bulletin board – students can draw a variety of light sources (man-made versus natural and then of course, include themselves!)
  • Perform the song “This Little Light of Mine” at a school assembly
  • Create an I AM station in your classroom. Have I AM statements printed or on chart paper, along with individual mirrors for students to practice.

Reflection Activity

Please see the attached PDF for several choices on how you and your learners can reflect upon today’s activity. 


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