
Les minimaisons

Grades 6-8
Subjects: French Immersion Language Arts, Mathematics, Personal Wellness, Science, Technology


Cette trousse comprend des activités d’apprentissage pratiques et fondées sur l’enquête, explorant, créant et construisant des options durables pour la conception future de maisons. Cette invitation à découvrir brièvement nos 5 autres centres d’excellence (énergie, santé, entrepreneuriat et innovation numérique et compétences métiers et fabrication) vous fera vivre, à vous et à vos élèves, une expérience d’apprentissage riche, percutante et intéressante. Idéale pour niveau intermédiaire en immersion française, toutefois, pourrait être adapté à différents niveaux!  Bonne construction!


This kit features hands-on and inquiry-based learning activities exploring, creating, and constructing sustainable options for future home design.  It is an invitation to experience a small snapshot of each of our 5 other Centres of Excellence (Energy, Health, Entrepreneurship, Digital Innovation and Skilled Trades and Manufacturing).  Ideal for middle level French Immersion, however, can be adapted to different levels! Happy Building!

NB Curricular Connections

Middle Block French Immersion Language Arts 

Strand: Speaking and Listening

  • Big Idea: Oral Comprehension – Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate understanding of increasingly complex oral texts on a variety of topics using comprehension strategies.
  • Big Idea: Oral Production and Interaction – Skill Descriptor: have information, knowledge, ideas, and opinions on a variety of topics using various types of presentations and/or exchanges. Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate accuracy, fluency, coherence, and use of more sophisticated vocabulary consistently when speaking about a variety of topics.


CEFR tool French

CEFR tool English


  • Strand: Shape and Space – Big Idea: Measurement


  • Strand: Learning and Living Sustainably – Big Idea: Responsible and Sustainable Application

Personal Wellness

  • Strand: Career Connected Learning – Big Idea: Experiencing Potential Career Pathways – Skill Descriptor: Engage in frequent and ongoing career connected experiential learning to learn about preferred career pathways and develop personal competencies.


  • Strand: Problem Solving – Big Idea: Design Thinking Plan, execute and present a project within given parameters and with assistance.

What You’ll Need

  • Design Template Sheet (included in PDF)
  • Chart paper (1 sheet)
  • PowerPoint – Minimaisons COELL
  • Idéllo video : Les maisons | Idéllo (
  • Tiny Home Feedback Sheet (included in PDF)
  • Maker Space materials: scissors, multi-colored cardstock, construction paper, tape, glue, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, white paper, etc.)
  • Cm Grid Paper (printed on cardstock, 4-5 sheets per group, included in PDF)
  • Lego Mini Figure Client Cards (included in PDF)


DISCUSSION: Using the PowerPoint, “Minimaisons”, go to Slide 2 and ask: “What makes a house a home? Ce qui fait d’une maison un vrai chez soi?”.

Explain to the students how l’expression « chez soi » is a french expression – utilisée pour indiquer le lieu de résidence de quelqu’un ou l’idée d’être dans son propre domicile. Expand briefly on the preposition “chez” and how used with tonic pronouns (chez moi, chez toi, chez soi, chez vous, chez nous).

Begin to jot down ideas of what makes a house a home generated by students on chart paper or a mur thématique. (Try to include the MUSTS – amenities, style, design features, space, etc.).

VIEWING OF VIDEO – Idéllo – Les maisons | Idéllo ( Prior to viewing, set the intention for listening and review strategies. As students are listening, they will jot down words related to the topic of houses: mots que je connais et des nouveaux mots. After viewing, have students share their words. Were they able to infer the meaning of any new words? Add any pertinent vocabulary to the chart paper or mur thématique.

Les MINIMAISONS: As amazing as many homes are, the current trend in home design is actually – going small!  Review and discuss slides 3, 4 and 5 of the PowerPoint with the students.  At the bottom of Slide 5, when thinking about Tiny Homes Impact: Divide students into groups (by tables or location) and assign 1 of these topics to each group – environment, community & world, and economy – and then take the time for each group to share their ideas with the class.  Continue to Slide 6 for how technology is playing a role in developing tiny homes, as well.

CHALLENGE: Students will create a tiny home out of paper for a Lego Minifigure client.  They must include:  all necessary amenities (bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, and a living space), 2 energy efficient products or systems (use provided checklist), showcase their LEGO character’s personality, perimeter of 75 cm or less OR area of 225 cm2 or less, removable roof (for viewing inside). To support language learning, add key words/sentence structures to the chart paper or mur thématique that would be helpful for learners as they interact and later present.

Divide students into small groups.  Together, read over the challenge on Slide 7, the design template page, and the energy-saving options sheet.  Then, pass each group 1 Lego Minifigure client card to provide information about this character’s tiny home dreams.  (Students do have the option of bringing one in from home and creating a biography card to use for this challenge, too!) Before students get their hands on the maker space materials, give them time to see what they can use, read over their Lego Minifigure client card, as well as sketch out their initial ideas using the Design Template.  To support language learning, add key words/sentence structures to the chart paper or mur thématique that would be helpful for learners as they interact and later present. See past exemplars on Slide 8.  Once they have a plan, let them build!

PRESENTATIONS: House Viewing – Before presenting their houses in front of the class, give students the opportunity to do a viewing of each group’s house up close with a gallery walk.  Students can cut out their Lego minifigure outline on the client card to ensure their client fits!  Allow students to provide comments on the Tiny Home Feedback Sheet, set by each group’s house creation, as they circulate the room.  Then, allow each group to present their house, their Lego Minifigure client, and the features that they included to the whole group. Encourage learners to use the appropriate vocabulary as noted on the chart paper or mur thématique.

CAREER CONNECTIONS: Refer to Slide 9 and allow students to discuss the future job opportunities, in relation to Tiny Homes and our own Centres of Excellence.  Can they think of more?

WRAP UP: Return to the original chart of “What makes a house a home?” and take the time to add to it or cross things off, as students reflect upon this learning opportunity.  Allow students to discuss: “What are some challenges with tiny homes?  How might a large family manage a tiny home?  What are some advantages to tiny homes?” –  « Quelles sont les difficultés liées aux minimaisons? Comment une famille nombreuse peut-elle vivre dans une minimaison? Quels sont des avantages des minimaisons? »



See reflection tools attachment for possible ideas.

Encourage learners to demonstrate their learning and language skills in their myBlueprint digital portfolio.

Extension Ideas (optional)


Global Competencies

What We Teach: Being and Becoming Globally Competent – NB Curriculum Framework (



  • Minimaisons lesson and challenge PDF and grid paper
  • Minimaisons  Powerpoint
  • Reflection tools for grades 6-12 FSL learners