Speaker series

Sail away with Nola Carr and explore the role of a Nursing Home Administrator

Nola Carr


Come sail away with Nola Carr and explore the non-business, person-centered side of working in a nursing home in the recorded 30-minute presentation. 

Nursing Home Administrator (aka CEO or Executive Director) – The top job at most business entities makes you responsible for the operations, the staff, the finances, and the facility, but in a nursing home you are more like the landlubber director of a cruise ship. You’re in charge of making sure guests (your residents) are having a good time (aka quality of life). You’ll manage their social care, their physical care, their nursing care, and their spiritual care, as well as the business side of things. You offer support and hospitality to guests (your residents and their families), plan and set up events, and perform organizational and strategic work. The difference between a cruise director and a nursing home administrator is that the cruise director works hard to make their guest’s short vacation memorable.  A nursing home administrator works hard to improve the quality of life for their resident every day, for the rest of their lives. 

It is a very complex work environment that requires you to pull on skill sets from many different areas.  Although it can be complicated work, it is extremely rewarding to know exactly who you are helping with the work you do.  And you know them by name! 

You have likely formed impressions of what running a business is like that are fairly accurate.  This presentation will go beyond topics like the HR and strategic planning that goes into running a nursing home to the very human side of this business.   

The presentation includes: 

  • What person centered care means – the gold standard in healthcare.  
  • What a career in person centered care looks like. 
  • A real-life example of a person-centered project. 
  • Education, experience, and training required to work in a person-centered nursing home. 


Nola Carr is the Administrator of Kiwanis Nursing Home in Sussex, NB, a nursing home that delivers long-term, person-centered care to the residents of the 100-bed facility.  She holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science by education, is a Chartered Professional Accountant by training, and held roles peripherally related to healthcare and long-term care that gained her experience in this area.  Proof positive that when you end up has little to do with where you begin!   

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