
Santé mentale chez les ados: série

High School Block
Subjects: French Immersion Language Arts, Personal Wellness


L’erreur est humaine, par contre faire des erreurs cause beaucoup d’anxiété, particulièrement chez les ados. La série Échec & moi explore des mises en situation réalistes entourant la santé mentale et l’anxiété de performance ressentie par les ados. Brisons les mythes entourant la perfection!


To err is human, however making mistakes causes a great deal of anxiety, especially in teens. The Échec & moi series explores realistic situations surrounding mental health and performance anxiety experienced by teens. Let’s shatter the myths surrounding perfection!

NB Curricular Connections

(Example) High School French Immersion Language Arts

Strand: Speaking and Listening

  • Big Idea: Oral Comprehension – Skill Descriptor: Use listening strategies to understand the overall meaning and essential elements of a more complex and detailed message related to topics of interest or current events.
  • Big Idea: Oral Production and Interaction – Skill Descriptor: Present, in various formats, knowledge, ideas, opinions, and arguments on topics of interest and current events by using a variety of sentence structures, specific vocabulary and expression of francophone culture. 


CEFR tool French 

CEFR tool English 

Personal Wellness

Strand: Mental Fitness

  • Big Ideas: Positive Mental Health – Skill Descriptor: Explore the components of positive mental health.


What You’ll Need



  1. Explore the video series Échec & moi | Idéllo (! The title of each video is an inquiry question, which will be answered throughout the video with the help the host Simon, and his friend Daniel who is a psychothérapeute. Select a video for viewing,
  2. Previewing Activity: Prior to watching each episode, select images for your learners to make predictions. Either pause the video at certain frames or snip images prior to this pre-activity. In small groups or whole class, give students time to discuss their predictions. Possible questions could be; À ton avis, que se passe-t-il dans cette image? Que pensez-vous nous allons apprendre? Pourquoi pensez-vous cela?
  3. Set the intention:  Review listening comprehension strategies. As learners are viewing the video, they will jot down key words and sentences that can provide the answer to the initial question.
  4. After viewing: In pairs, or small groups, students will share and discuss their ideas.
  5. Next, convene and discuss as whole class to write (shared writing – on the chart paper) summary. This summary will include explanations, helpful strategies and tips.
  6. Repeat this same activity after viewing each video in the series. Keep adding to the chart paper.
  7. Be sure to refer to the supplemental downloadable teacher guide which includes a variety of resources that can align with the video topics: games and activities, discussion prompts with thought-provoking questions that encourage introspection with lightness and humor and tips to help students build linguistic security and overcome mental health challenges.
  8. Consolidation: When finished the series, provide time for students to reflect on what they learned (refer to the chart paper). As a whole class, create a bilingual awareness campaign based on learnings from the series, to share with others in their school community (e.g. posters, videos, newsletter, blog/vlog).


Extension Ideas (optional)

  • Bonus episode! Simon Cousineau wants to know why he still has trouble managing his performance anxiety and fear of failure, even after starring in a series on the subject? It’s because managing emotions and mental health is a life’s work. Check out how to “Become an EXPERT at making mistakes!” Conférence virtuelle – Devenez EXPERTS en erreurs! (
  • Students recreate role playing scenarios from the videos to practice their language skills.


  • See attachment for reflection tools and ideas for FSL learners

Global Competencies

What We Teach: Being and Becoming Globally Competent – NB Curriculum Framework (



RVF : Les Rendez-vous de la Francophonie (




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