
The Power of Language Skills

Middle Block, Secondary Block
Subjects: Career Education


In this career connected learning lesson developed by myBlueprint, students will explore the benefits that multi-language learning brings to various aspects of our lives and examine research findings to gain a deeper understanding of how acquiring another language is a valuable life skill.


NB Curricular Connections: 

Example Middle Block

Personal Wellness Grade 8 

Strand: Career Connected Learning

Big Idea: Exploring Potential Career Pathways – Skill Descriptor: Critically investigate and describe the labour market and preferred career pathways.

Big Idea: Thinking about Potential Career Pathways – Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate an informed vision for the future linked to own interests, preferences, values and abilities.

Example Secondary Block

Career Pathway Design 10:

Strand – Thinking about Potential Career Pathways – Big Ideas: Planning Pathway. Life-long learning. Personal wellness. Planning for Success.

What You’ll Need: 



Before the Lesson (Minds On)

  1. Open the slides titled “The Power of Language Skillsand share with students the learning objectives.
  2. Invite students to write the pro’s and con’s of learning another language (slide 3) in an online document or on a sheet of paper
  3. Discuss with students their answers through short discussion questions (slide 4)
  4. Share with students some personal stories of people who are multilingual language and how that has impacted their lives (slides 5-7)
  5. Invite students to discuss what they learned from reading these testimonials and encourage them to discuss further through the questions on slide 8.


During the Lesson (Action)

  1. Divide the class into small groups of 3-4 students each.
  2. Provide each group with a prompt question related to the benefits of learning another language.  You can choose to assign each group a specific question or give your students authority to choose a question of interest.
  • What is the role of language in the global economy and its impact on career opportunities?
  • How do language skills enhance different career paths?
  • How does language help with cultural understanding?
  • What are the current job market demands and industries where language skills are highly valued?
  • How does learning another language help in being effective communicators?
  • How does learning another language impact our brain?
  • How do language skills contribute to international collaboration and teamwork in the workplace?
  • What are the social and cultural benefits of being multilingual in a diverse workplace environment?


3.  Explore recommended sources to support students’ research: Links found on lesson plan the power of language skills.

  • Speaking more than one language can boost economic growth 
  • Mastering a new language: How it can boost your career prospects in today’s competitive job market
  • Languages in a Global World: Learning for Better Cultural Understanding
  • Exploring Industries That Highly Value Language Proficiency
  • The Top 13 Most In Demand Jobs For Bilinguals You Should Know!
  • Industries and Careers Where a Second Language Can Be Valuable
  • How Learning a Language Can Make You a Better Leader
  • The Cognitive Benefits of Learning Another Language 
  • The benefits of a bilingual brain (video) 
  • How Learning a Language Changes your Brain 


4. After students conduct their research they will need to share their findings with other groups in a presentation format.

After the Lesson (Consolidation)

Invite students to reflect on this activity by engaging them through these discussion questions: 

Group discussion:

After the brainstorming session, reconvene the whole class.
Create space for each group to present their findings in front of the class.

Reflection Activity:

  • Encourage students to reflect on the brainstorming session and write down at least three benefits of learning a second language that they find most compelling.

Extension Activities: (Optional)

  •  The consolidation and reflection part of this activity could be later integrated into similar discussions and reflections within the French Second Language classroom, linking to cross-curricular connections and CEFR aligning, with secondary Post-Intensive French and French Immersion. Learners could demonstrate their language learning skills in their myBlueprint porfolio.

Global Competencies: 

What We Teach: Being and Becoming Globally Competent – NB Curriculum Framework (



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