
AI Chatbots: Who’s Behind the Screen?

Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12
Subjects: Computational Thinking, Technology


This lesson plan is about AI chatbots, which are computer programs that can talk to you like a person. You will learn how AI chatbots work and why they are made to sound human-like. You will also think about how AI chatbots can affect your life in positive and negative ways. For example, AI chatbots can help you with homework, shopping, or entertainment, but they can also trick you, spam you, or influence you. The lesson plan includes a video, a discussion, and a reflection activity. The lesson plan is part of a series of lessons on AI for grades 6-12.

NB Curricular Connections

Technology 6-8

  • Strand: Information Technology Skills – Big Idea: Computational Practice

Technology 9

  • Strand: Information Technology Skills – Big Idea: Computational Practice

Computer Science 110

  • Strand: Computation Thinking – Big Idea: Decomposition; Pattern Recognition; Abstraction; Algorithms
  • Strand: Coding – Big Idea: Planning and Documentation; Software; Data

What You’ll Need


  1. Watch the video What Are AI Chatbots? to learn what they are and how they work.
  2. Discuss with your classmates why AI chatbots are designed to sound like people and how that can be helpful or harmful.
  3. Choose one of the AI chatbots from the handout and try to have a conversation with it. Pay attention to how it responds to you and what it tries to do.
  4. Write a reflection on your experience with the AI chatbot. What did you learn? What surprised you? What did you like or dislike? How did you feel?

Reflection Activity

Please see the attached PDF for several choices on how you and your learners can reflect upon today’s activity.



  1. Common Sense Media:


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