
Device-Free Moments

Grades 3-5
Subjects: Digital Citizenship, Digital Health & Wellness


Technology use isn’t always a distraction, but it can be! Help students learn appropriate times for technology and when to avoid.

NB Curricular Connections

Personal Wellness 

  • Strand: Wellness – Big Idea: Healthy Lifestyle

English Language Arts 

  • Strand: Interactions– Big Idea: Expression


What You’ll Need


1. Ask: Do you know why it’s not OK for people to drive and text on their phone at the same time? Invite students to respond. Examples might include: It’s unsafe, you can’t pay attention to traffic, it’s illegal, you don’t want to hurt somebody accidentally.

2. Show the Sesame Street Device-Free Dinner video on slide 4.
3. Ask: Turn to your elbow partner and talk about what you noticed in the video. Are there moments where it would be better not to use devices? 
4. Discussion: Share ideas and conversations about what students noticed in the video and where it would be better to not use devices.
5. Explain to students that the responses they shared are examples of when technology can be a distraction. Define distraction as something that keeps you from giving your full attention. Define attention as noticing someone or something as important. 
6. Discussion surrounding differences in family rules and situations and times it’s a good idea to be device free universally.
7. Discussion surrounding four key areas to consider in selecting ideal device-free moments: Safety, Respect for People, Concentration, and Sleep. 
8. Activity: Today students are going to get to be in charge. They are going to create a list of family rules to have device-free moments! This list of rules is not just for them, but also for parents, siblings, and whoever else you live with. You’ll be able to take them home to share with your family.
9. Distribute the Family Device-Free Rules Student Handout. This is a time for students to reflect on their own lives, and every family is different. After invite students to share their rules. Keep in mind the main focus areas: Safety, Respect, Concentration, Sleep
Reflection Activity
1 Pause & Think Moment: Distribute the handout and allow students to complete the reflection independently
2. Invite students to share their reflections with the class if desired
3. K-2 and 3-5 Reflection Activity is included


  1. Common Sense Education Device-Free Moments | Common Sense Education