Speaker series

Girls STEM Up: Executive Panel

Amy Thomson, Denisha Coelho, Kristyn Sernuik and Kate Tucker


In this video, hear from the “Girls STEM Up” organizing committee about what the goals of the conference are, and why students should consider attending this years’ conference.

What: Girls STEM Up Conference
Where: Fredericton Convention Center
When: Saturday, October 18th, 9am-4pm

Go to https://www.girlsstemup.org/ for more information and to secure tickets!


STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It refers to a range of academic disciplines and careers that focus on using scientific and mathematical principles to understand and solve real-world problems.

STEM is important for middle school students to consider studying for several reasons:

  1. Preparing for the future: Many of the fastest-growing and highest-paying careers of the future will be in STEM fields. By studying STEM subjects, students can gain the skills and knowledge they need to pursue these careers and be well-prepared for the future job market.
  2. Solving real-world problems: STEM subjects are all about finding solutions to real-world problems. From developing new technologies to improving healthcare, STEM is all about making a positive impact on society.
  3. Encouraging creativity and innovation: STEM subjects often involve hands-on projects and problem-solving activities that encourage students to think creatively and outside the box. This can help students develop important skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation that will be useful in any career they pursue.
  4. Building a strong foundation for future studies: The subjects covered in STEM are fundamental to many other academic disciplines and careers. By studying STEM in middle school, students can build a strong foundation for future studies and careers in areas such as medicine, law, and business.

Overall, STEM is a valuable and rewarding area of study for middle school students. Whether students are interested in pursuing careers in technology, engineering, science, or mathematics, or simply want to gain a better understanding of the world around them, STEM can provide them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.

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