Experiential learning opportunity

Canada Learning Code Week: Competition and Webinars

December 1-17
Areas of interest: Coding, Computer Science, Digital Literacy

In an increasingly digital world, learning the fundamentals of computer coding and algorithmic thinking is becoming an essential component of a comprehensive education to empower students with vital logic, critical thinking, and problem solving abilities. Even basic coding skills allow children to become confident creators – not just consumers – of the technology around them, expressing creativity through building their own apps, games, and websites. Coding introduces the sequence, loops, and variables that underpin algorithm literacy, allowing students to both utilize and evaluate automated processes. Whether they pursue coding careers or not, acquiring foundational digital literacy through coding gives students agency over technology shaping the world and opens up economic opportunities – preparing them with transferable skills to actively participate in the 21st century.

Code the Future This December. Canada Learning Code Week is a free nation-wide event held each December to promote digital skills and coding literacy. People of all ages participate through local workshops, meetups and online tutorials. Activities are geared towards beginners and focus on foundations that unlock technology’s potential to build solutions. Covering topics like web development, data science, automation and more. Coding unlocks creativity and critical thinking to envision what’s possible. These transferable abilities benefit every career. Early skills cement life-long advantages in the digital economy. This year, pledge to code during the first week of December. Expand your capabilities through free events in your community or via 200+ hours of online courses. Become the tech leader we need – start with the basics.

Set a goal now. Share your progress using #CodeCan. Building digital fluency together lifts everyone higher. Join the movement unlocking Canada’s innovation capacity from coast to coast to coast.

Participate in the COEDI Canada Learning Code Week Competition! It’s simple:

  1. Host an event with your class, or your entire school, any time between December 1 and 22nd (this may be done during class time, or even during a lunch period, after school, etc.)
  2. Find an activity to do with your class, or have students choose their own activity (you can do this as a lesson plan, there are activities which will work on computers, iPads/tablets, or off-line activities), go here to view the entire list: https://www.canadalearningcode.ca/canada-learning-code-week/ or as a secondary resource: https://hourofcode.com/ca/learn
  3. Submit photo(s) or video(s) of your students participating in the hour of code using this form.

One class from each district will be drawn and the winner will receive a free lunch party for their class!

How does it work?

  • Get your free Canada Learning Code Week lesson plans delivered to your inbox
  • Teach a featured lesson plan (or more) during Canada Learning Code Week (December 4-10)
  • After you teach, you’ll tell us how many students you taught and get a unique code that will unlock Emoji World for your class
  • This will give each student access to Emoji World so they can see how their new coding skills made an impact (and then have fun making Emoji World continue to grow!)

Who is Canada Learning Code Week for?

  • Teachers and educators from around Canada
  • All coding skill levels, especially absolute beginners
  • Earthlings in grades one to twelve and their star teachers
  • Teachers with coding in their curriculum
  • Teachers who want to add creativity and computer science to their classroom
  • Teachers looking to integrate coding into existing subjects

Why should you participate?

Besides being THE coolest teacher on the block, you’ll:

  • Bring coding into your class in a fun and easy way
  • Already be prepped with our featured lesson plans
  • Be part of creating something big with your students
  • Connect coding to climate action education


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