Experiential learning opportunity

GAP Year Presentation

All of NB, Online
April 30th, 11:30 - 12:00
Areas of interest: Careers

Taking a Gap Year

The Centre of Excellence for Health is offering a GAP year presentation for teachers, counselors, and staff on April 30th from 11:30-12:00. The presentation is led by Tricia Berry and Michelle Dittmer, Canada’s leading gap year experts, to learn more about who can take a Gap year, what to do, and how a Gap year can impact post-secondary pathways.

Taking a gap year can be a solution to mental health, financial need, career education, and can have a tremendous positive impact on the well-being of young people. Additionally, the GAP year is included in the Career Framework as an option for students while planning their future careers.


To register for the session, please click the HERE! Registered teachers will be sent the teams link to the session.

Extra Resources

Gap year resources, programs and events in Canada | CanGap Association