Experiential learning opportunity

Teacher Book Study Kick-Off: Automatic Millionaire

October 12, 2023
Areas of interest: Business, Financial Literacy


Are you looking for practical ways to save money and watch your savings grow? The Automatic Millionaire simplified wealth-building by stressing automated saving and investing, regardless of income or budgeting skills.  It advises setting up automatic transfers from your paycheck to investment accounts, making savings a priority expense, and utilizing compound interest to achieve millionaire status on a modest income.

Interested educators will be able to sign-up to receive copies of the book AND workbook and are invited to participate in 6 online sessions

Please Register Here:  https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=0m5OJJoz80e5XORTUcGYt8hJFn3qTXFPkIPmL6LSYJNUQ1cwTUJPQVZYV09FNU01N0hWR1RGNVNXRi4u



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