
5210- Sugar Relay

Grades 3-5, Grades K-2
Subjects: Explore Your World, Personal Wellness

5210 A Way of Life is an initiative that promotes healthy behaviours and environments. The simple 5210 messages encourage eating well and being active every day, two important habits for good health.  The following activity supports the “Drink more water! 0 sugar added beverages” message. It promotes water as first choice and helps students realize how much sugar is in certain drinks.

*French resources included as attachments

NB Curricular Connections

Explore Your World

  • Strand: Well-Being – Big Idea: Physical Health and Active Participation – Skill Descriptor: Analyze personal safety and healthy practices.
  • Strand: Well-Being – Big Idea: Emotional Health and Positive Identities – Skill Descriptor:
    • Explore activities that foster enjoyment and well-being.
    • Recognize that feelings and emotions can impact well-being, relationships, and the way we engage with others.

Personal Wellness 3-5

    • Strand: Wellness – Big Idea: Healthy Lifestyle – Skill Descriptor:
      • Grade 3: Analyze personal safety and healthy practices.
      • Grade 4: Describe personal safety and healthy practices.
      • Grade 5: Assess personal safety and healthy practices.
    • Strand: Mental Fitness – Big Idea: Mental Health Strategies – Skill Descriptor:
      • Grade 3: Demonstrate self-calming strategies to regulate emotional reactions.
      • Grade 4: Identify strategies for regulating emotional reactions.
      • Grade 5: Identify strategies for seeking support for self and others.
    • Strand: Mental Fitness – Big Idea: Positive Mental Health – Skill Descriptor:
      • Grade 3: Explore the importance of talking about emotions and emotional responses.
      • Grade 4: Describe the seven primary emotions and their expression.
      • Grade 5: Identify ways to manage stress and regulate emotions.

What you’ll need:

  • The 5210 A Way of Life Resource Kit (PDF Attached)
  • The 5210 A Way of Life Teacher Presentation  5210 Presentation
  • Sugar cubes and beverages cards (print twice, you need 2 packs of 16 cards – They will also need to be cut).
  • Drink More Water! handout


  • Review the 5210 A Way of Life Tool Kit (PDF Attached)
  • Watch the 5210 presentation to learn more about the program.

Setup: Divide the class into 2 groups. Put each set of cards on the floor or tables at the end of the classroom.

Before you start:

Use the Drink More Water! handout to explain the benefits of drinking water. Skip over the part stating the amount of sugar in drinks (these are the activity answers).

How to play:

  • Once cards are placed on one side of the classroom, teams will line up on the opposite side.
  • Each player will take turns running to pick up a card and bring it back to their team.
  • When the teams have all their cards, they need to associate the beverages with their respective sugar amounts.
  • The first team to correctly complete the association game wins!
Water 0 cubes
100% Orange juice 6 cubes
Pop 7 cubes
Plain milk 3 cubes
Chocolate milk 6 cubes
Lemonade 7 cubes
Fruit punch juice box 6 cubes
Slush 8 cubes


*Note: This table shows the average amount of sugar in each type of drink for 1 cup (250ml). The amount of sugar in drinks may vary depending on the manufacturer. 4g sugar = 1 tsp (5ml)  

Activity downloaded from the website:

Reflection Activity

Please see the attached PDF for several choices on how you and your learners can reflect upon today’s activity.


Global Competencies

  1. SelfAwareness.pdf (
  2. CriticalThinking.pdf (
  3. Communication.pdf (