Counsellors Jessica Bellis and Christine Morgan-Ahearn introduced Restorative Circles during the Centre of Excellence for Health’s May 2022 emphasis on Mental Health. A recording of this presentation is available on the COE Health website in the Speaker Series section. The Power of Circles – Using Restorative Circles in the Classroom | Centre of Excellence for Health (centresofexcellencenb.ca)
What are the next steps if you’ve watched the presentation and want to implement restorative circles in your classroom? Read Teaching Restorative Practices with Classroom Circles by Amos Clifford. This free resource was mentioned during Jessica and Christine’s presentation – it offers clear explanations about the format, suggested guidelines, and lessons to facilitate the implementation of Restorative Circles.
Resource Link: http://www.centerforrestorativeprocess.com/uploads/8/1/4/4/8144400/teaching_restorative_practices_manual.pdf
NB Curricular Outcomes
Restorative Circle practices are a cross curricular tool. It can be used in any grade and subject.
- Part One: Rationale for Using Restorative Circles and Goals for Students, Teachers and the Classroom Community
- Part Two: Various formats for Circles for Building Community
- Part Three: Overview to Implement Restorative Concepts and Dialogue through 7 Lessons
Reflection Activity
Please see the attached PDF for several choices on how you and your learners can reflect upon today’s activity.
NB Global Competencies
- Collaboration.pdf (gnb.ca)
- Communication.pdf (gnb.ca)
- CriticalThinking.pdf (gnb.ca)
- SelfAwareness.pdf (gnb.ca)
For further support in Restorative Circles:
Please reach out to Presenters: Jessica.Bellis@nbed.nb.ca; Christine.Morgan-Ahearn@nbed.nb.ca
- The Restorative Practices Handbook for Teachers, Disciplinaries and Administrators: Building a Culture of Community in Schools. Bob Costello, Joshua Wachtel and Ted Wachtel
- Restorative Circles in Schools: Building Community and Enhancing Learning. A Practical Guide for Educators. Bob Costello, Joshua Wachtel and Ted Wachtel
- International Institute for Restorative Practices
- Home – IIRP Graduate School
- Centerforrestorativeprocess.com
- https://www.acps.k12.va.us/cms/lib/VA01918616/Centricity/Domain/861/Restorative%20Justice%20%20Handout.pdf