Experiential learning opportunity

Intergenerational Resource Package and Interactive NB Map

All of NB
Areas of interest: Careers, Health, Personal Wellness


“People will forget what you said, will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

Intergenerational (IG) is defined as Interactions where multiple generations of people come together. Participation in Intergenerational programs and opportunities will foster life skills, such as community engagement and civic duty, as well as workplace essential skills. The primary goal of intergenerational activities and opportunities is to expose students to the nursing home environment and to senior care; a field that has numerous career opportunities. Experiencing the nursing home environment and engaging with residents is an extremely valuable learning tool for youth and will help expose NB students to potential career paths in the province.

The COE Health and the District Experiential Learning Coordinators have partnered with the New Brunswick Association for Nursing Homes and Shannex to create an Intergenerational resource package for teachers. IG and Narrative Care poster (centresofexcellencenb.ca)

Below is a Global Competencies Rubric attached to the Intergenerational Resource package.  The rubric and competencies will help support NB curriculum connections and intergenerational opportunities in planning for students and classroom activities.

Global Competencies Rubric

An interactive map of NB Schools and Nursing homes in the province has also been created and is embedded below. Please take a few minutes to watch the “How to Navigate the Interactive Map” video created by the Department of Social Development.

NB Schools and NB Nursing Home MAP

To see map in full screen view.

If you would like support or guidance while planning Intergenerational opportunities and activities for your students and school, please reach out to the Experiential Learning Coordinators in your district and/or the Centre of Excellence Lead, Daneen Dymond.