Experiential learning opportunity

The Nature Trust of New Brunswick’s Ambassador Program

All of NB
Areas of interest: Careers, Environment, Health, Personal Wellness, Physical Education, Science


Do you want to explore the magnificent landscape of our province and connect with nature at the same time? Are you passionate about raising awareness for nature conservation? If you said ‘yes’ to at least one of the above, then you definitely should check out the Nature Trust of New Brunswick organization.

The Nature Trust of New Brunswick’s mandate is to conserve the flora and fauna of our beautiful province, along with inspiring youths to become more connect to nature. Explore their website on different ways you can get involved and help. What’s even better is that you will earn certification upon completion for every activity that you do. They have activities ranging from trails blazing to the Great Fundy Coast beach cleanup.

How to join

To join these events and activities, as well as getting schedule for upcoming event, sign up here:



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