Experiential learning opportunity

WildLIFE Wednesday LIVE Classes

All of NB, Online
Oct 2022 -May 2023
Areas of interest: Business, Careers, EAL, Environment, Health, Personal Wellness, Physical Education, Science


The Department of Tourism, Heritage, and Culture and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Developments Centre of Excellence for Health is extremely excited to partner with the Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development to offer LIVE “WildLIFE Wednesday” classes for students and teachers across the province of New Brunswick.

“WildLIFE Wednesday” is a new offering in the school year ’22/’23 for middle and high school students. It is a free, eight session, educational program focused on New Brunswick Wildlife. Students will learn practical skills, biology, habitat, conservation, career opportunities and more in these fun and interactive live lessons hosted by local experts.

Learning outdoors and being in nature is a strong driver for mental health. The “WildLIFE Wednesday” learning presentations will give student’s an opportunity to learn practical skills and explore activities to be used outside to improve their mental wellbeing.

Experts from across the province will also be offering personal expertise, training opportunities for students and highlighting what a typical day in their life looks like. Digital resources and locations will be shared with students and teachers so they can take their learning outside and explore the outdoors in a more intimate and knowledgeable way.

Wildlife-Wednesdays – Final Poster

(Please See PDF Road Map attached and Feel Free to Print and Post in your school)


WILDLIFE Wednesday Schedule and Presenters

Oct 12th, 2022 Matt Wilson – East Coast Waterfowl  – Duck/Goose Calling

1:30pm (English)

Click here to join the meeting


November 9th, 2022 -Department of Natural Resources Presents – NB Wildlife Species

10:30am (English)

Click here to join the meeting

1:30 pm (French)

Click here to join the meeting


Dec 14th, 2022- Brian Williams – Williams Woods and Waters Outfitting – Moose Calling

10:30am (English)

Click here to join the meeting


Jan 18th, 2023 Nathan Robinson – NR Photography and Wildlife East – Wildlife Photography

10:30am (English)

Click here to join the meeting


Feb 15th, 2023 – Denis Boudreau – Jax Flies – Fly Tying Seminar

10:30am English

Click here to join the meeting

1:30pm French

Click here to join the meeting


March 15th, 2023 – Department of Natural Resources Presents –  New Brunswick Fish ID

10:30am English, 

Click here to join the meeting

1:30 pm French

Click here to join the meeting


April 12th, 2023 – Donald Patterson/Ben Woo – Fish East – Spin Cast Fishing Basics

10:30am English, 

Click here to join the meeting

 1:30pm French 

Click here to join the meeting


May 3rd, 2023 – Hon. Minister Mike Holland – Minister of Natural Resources – NB Wild Turkey Calls

10:30am English,

Click here to join the meeting

(Additional Information and TEAMS Links for each session will be posted on the COE Health Website by Oct 1st, 2023. Please reach out to COE Health Lead, Daneen Dymond if you have any questions)

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