Speaker series

Wildlife Wednesday Recorded Sessions (English and French) with Fisheries Biologist, Brian Koval and Parise Ouellette

Brian Koval and Parise Ouellette


Do you and your middle or high school students want to learn more about the Fish Species, Fish ID and fisheries management tools here in New Brunswick?

Please join Brian Koval, Fisheries Biologist in a recorded 30-minute ENGLISH class while you explore the wild fish species in New Brunswick.

Brian Koval is a Fisheries Biologist at the Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development with the Government of New Brunswick, Canada. He undertook his BSc at the University of New Brunswick and his MSc at Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland, UK. Having worked on three different continents, Brian has a diverse knowledge of Biology, particularly pertaining to fish. Having spent the majority of his career on Vancouver Island in British Columbia working with Pacific Salmon, he has returned home to use his skills in his home province.

Please join Parise Ouellette, Fisheries Biologist recorded 30-minute French class while you explore the wild fish species in New Brunswick.

Parise Ouellette est biologiste de la faune. Elle a complété un Baccalauréat en Sc. Biologique à l’Université de Montréal au Québec et une Maîtrise en aménagement de la faune à l’Université de Moncton au Nouveau-Brunswick. Après avoir travaillé comme chargée de projets pour différents organismes à but non lucratif en début de carrière, elle occupe maintenant le poste de biologiste régionale pour le ministère des Ressources naturelles et du Développement de l’énergie du Nouveau-Brunswick dans la région du Nord-Ouest de la province.

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