Dépenser=Penser est une série de vidéos accessible sur la plateforme IDÉLLO, qui présentent des concepts d’éducation financière aux apprenants de FLS du niveau intermédiaire. Chaque vidéo est accompagnée d’outils et de ressources pédagogiques. Basées sur l’approche communicative avec une perspective orientée vers l’action, les activités proposées placent les étudiants au centre de leur propre apprentissage et fournissent une expression authentique qui nécessite un engagement réel.
Dépenser=Penser is a video series accessible on the platform IDÉLLO that introduces financial literacy concepts to FSL middle level learners. Each video is accompanied with educator tools and resources. Rooted in the communicative approach with an action-oriented perspective, the proposed activities place students at the center of their own learning and provide authentic expressions that require real engagement.
NB Curricular Connections
Example: Grade 6
Early French Immersion Language Arts: Strand: Speaking and Listening – Big Idea: Oral Comprehension – Skill Descriptor: Demonstrates understanding of increasingly complex oral texts on a variety of topics using comprehension strategies. Big Idea: Oral Production and Interaction – Skill Descriptor: Share information, knowledge, ideas and opinions on a various type of presentations and/or exchanges.
CEFR ZONE A2.2, B1.1
Mathematics: Strand: Numbers – Big Idea: Number Sense – Skill Descriptor: Describe numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems
Social Studies: Strand: Economics – Big Idea: Systems – Big Idea: Decision-Making
Personal Wellness: Strand: Wellness – Big Idea: Healthy Lifestyle – Skill Descriptor: Discuss how finances can impact a person’s health and well-being
What you’ll need
- Log onto the IDÉLLO platform (accessible to all NB educators) and locate the Dépenser=Penser video series. Videos are accompanied with supporting educational resources, in both French and English. Click here to be directed the series – Dépenser = Penser | Idéllo (idello.org)
1. Explore the video series and resources! This series is an invitation for students to understand and express themselves in French around topics related to financial literacy concepts. The lessons are designed to help language learners gain confidence in their language skills and learn how to make responsible economic and financial decisions. Select a video with a topic of specific interest or complete the entire series.
2. Try aligning the activities you choose with the associated CEFR indicators as part of your integrated language learning objectives and share them with your learners. For example, within the proposed learning activities linked to episode 2 Comment magasiner efficacement, in the Minds On Activity, students are asked to identify an object they would like to purchase, explain why, and justify if they consider it a need or a want.
Y a-t-il un objet que vous aimeriez vous acheter? Répond-il à un besoin?
These types of activities provide an opportunity for learners to practice and demonstrate their French language skills, reflective of the CEFR continuum.
CEFR level A2.2
Oral production
- can describe objects or activities I like best and briefly explain why
- can express my opinion (using simple words and expressions)
Oral Interaction
- can ask and answer simple questions about future events
3. Prior to watching the videos, review listening strategies and set the intention for listening. Allow some time to access prior knowledge and for learners to make predictions prior to viewing. Replay the videos a few times and slow down the speaking speed if necessary. In depth details of this process are found within the educational tools that are associated with each episode.
Reflection Activity
- See reflection ideas for FSL learners 6-12
Global Competencies
What We Teach: Being and Becoming Globally Competent – NB Curriculum Framework (nbed.ca)
Extension Ideas (optional)
- Try creating more scenarios or engaging games with printable play money, to provide your learners additional opportunities to practice their language skills while reinforcing financial literacy concepts! Check out this learning activity for some ideas: Monnaie de jeu imprimable | Centre of Excellence for Language Learning (centresofexcellencenb.ca)
- Encourage learners to record evidence of their language skills in their myBlueprint digital portfolio.
Reflection tools for FSL learners 6-12
Idello.org Dépenser = Penser | Idéllo (idello.org)