
Là où je dors: compétence interculturelle

Middle Block
Subjects: French Immersion, Social Studies


Comment renforcer la compétence interculturelle de vos apprenants de FLS ? L’une des meilleures série de la platfome IDÉLLO est – Là où je dors. Elle propose une série de vidéos pour exposer vos apprenants de français A2-B1 à différents dialectes français, accents et cultures francophones à travers le monde et donne accès à des resources pédagogique  téléchargeable qui comprennent des liens vers les programmes scolaires, des stratégies d’apprentissage de la langue, des suggestions d’évaluation et des idées. En outre, ces ressources sont accompagnées de leur propre site web interactif.


How can you help develop your FSL learners’ intercultural competency skills? One of the top series from Idéllo platfom is –Là où je dors! It offers a series of videos to expose your A2-B1 French language learners to different French dialect, accents and Francophone cultures around the globe and provides access to downloadable teaching resources which include curriculum links, language acquisition strategies, assessment suggestions and lesson ideas. Additionally, this valuable resource also come with it’s own interactive website.

NB curricular connections

Middle block

French Immersion Language Arts 

Strand: Speaking & Listening

  • Big Idea; Oral comprehension – Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate understanding of different oral texts on a variety of topics using comprehension strategies.
  • Big Idea: Oral Production and Interaction – Skill Descriptor: Share information, knowledge, ideas, and opinions on a variety of topics using various types of presentations and/or exchanges.
  • Big Idea: Multilingual Identities and Cultural Appreciation – Skill Descriptor: Describe how languages and cultures shape learners’ own evolving identities and worldviews.

Social Studies: 

Strand: Geography

  • Big Idea; Human Systems and Interactions – Skill Descriptor: Examine contemporary cultures in the Atlantic region and their connections to other global cultures.


What you’ll need

  • Access to the video series and educational resources/tools from Là où je dors | Idéllo (free for all NB educators)
  • Access to the interactive website that can be used in conjunction with the videos – Là où je dors | TFO ( videos are also viewable on this site)
  • The printable Venn Diagram for consolidation activity – copy for each learner.


In preparation:

  • Explore the interactive website and IDÉLLO series.
  • Review episode 1 Naesha and download the PDF Fiche à l’écoute that is linked, which includes ideas for activities, strategies, and assessments.

Minds on Activity

  • Show learners the carte du monde from the interactive website Là où je dors | TFO ( Explain that each star represents a region where French speaking youth live and that they will be giving us a glimpse of their rooms and details about special objects, their personal lives, their interests and cultures. Explore the “Chambre” tab to see some interactive photos and one page overview under “son histoire”.
  • . Next, have students make a list of personal objects and memories within their room
    that represent who they are. Get students to share their list in groups of two, and
    then whole class.


  • Explain to learners that the aim of the activity is to compare their personal interests and their background to those of a child from another country. Select episode 1 Naesha for viewing.

First viewing: Students will watch the video to understand the overall message. They will observe visual clues: the landscape, the external part of the house, facial expressions.

Second viewing: Students will try to understand by observing more details. They will watch and listen to identify cognate words and words which are familiar to them. They can take notes. If necessary, students may watch the video a third time and the teacher may also stop the video at key moments to facilitate understanding.

  • Students will then use a Venn diagram to compare their lifestyle with that of Naesha.
    For example: love for life near the sea, important objects within their room, important
    people, nicknames, sports or hobbies, electronic gadgets


  •  In groups of two, students will share their Venn diagram and their understanding of the video. Refer to the À l’écoute downloadable guide in French for more in-depth details on this
    Ex: Épisode 1 : Les élèves utilisent un diagramme de Venn pour comparer leur style de vie à
    celui de Naesha, par exemple: aimer vivre près de l’eau ou non, les objets (…), les personnes (…),
    les surnoms employés, les sports ou les passe-temps pratiqués, les appareils électroniques
    utilisés. Ancrer en groupes de deux, les élèves mettent en commun leur diagramme de Venn.
    Elles et ils réfléchissent à leur compréhension de la vidéo. 

Questions de réflexions:

  • En quoi Naesha te ressemble-t-elle et comment est-elle différente?
  • Qu’est-ce que tu as appris à propos de Haïti en regardant cette vidéo?
  • Pourquoi est-ce utile de faire des liens entre les pratiques culturelles de ta propre
    communauté et celle des autres?
  • Chaque élève écrit une carte postale à Naesha et compare son style de vie au sien


  • See attachment for reflection tools and ideas for FSL learners grades 6-12.

Extension ideas (optional)

  • Continue exploring the other episodes in the series and the associated educational
  • Share the interactive website link with your learners to encourage further exploration

Global Competencies

What We Teach: Being and Becoming Globally Competent – NB Curriculum Framework (



  • Activity and diagramme de venn – Là où je dors!
  • reflection tools and ideas



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