Les apprenants sont encouragés à réfléchir aux avantages cognitifs, éducatifs, professionnels et culturels du plurilinguisme dans leur vie. Ils approfondiront ensuite leur apprentissage par le biais d’une activité d’alphabétisation et d’un éventuel prolongement de la recherche. Enfin, les apprenants consolideront leur apprentissage en menant une campagne en classe, à l’échelle de l’école ou de la communauté pour promouvoir les avantages du plurilinguisme, ainsi qu’une activité de réflexion finale.
Learners are encouraged to reflect on the cognitive, educational, professional, and cultural benefits of plurilingualism in their lives. They will then extend their learning through a literacy activity and possible research extension. Learners will finally consolidate their learning by effectuating a classroom, school-wide or community campaign to promote the benefits of plurilingualism, along with a concluding reflection activity.
NB Curricular Connections:
French Immersion Language Arts 8
- Strand: Reading and Viewing – Vocabulary – Use expanding vocabulary knowledge to support reading and comprehension of increasingly complex and diverse texts.
- Reading and Viewing – Comprehension – Critically engage with a variety of more complex and diverse texts using comprehension strategies.
- Writing and Representing -Identify as a multilingual writer
- Speaking and Listening – Multilingual Identities and Cultural Appreciation – Describe how languages and cultures shape learners’ own evolving Identities and worldviews
French Immersion Language Arts 9 – 12
- Writing – Written Communication – Consider different Intentions and audiences to write texts on a variety of subjects.
- Reading- Read with specific Intentions – Read a variety of genres and types of texts to fulfill different needs, on a variety of subjects using comprehension strategies
- Intercultural competencies – Intercultural Abilities – Apply positive abilities and attitudes towards other cultures and languages
What You’ll Need:
- Students may need access to computers while preparing for their in-class or school-wide campaign
- Informative text and exit slip
Minds On:
In this phase of the lesson, students will connect to prior knowledge and understanding. The educator will set the context for learning.
Activité brise-glace:
- Begin with a brief discussion about which languages are spoken by learners In the class (p. ex: Quelles langues parlez-vous ?)
- Approche actionnelle: In lieu of a class discussion, learners can circulate the class to form pairs to ask the question,
- Partner A: “Quelles langues parles-tu ?”.
Partner B: “Je parle… Et toi? Quelle langues parles-tu?”
Partner A: “Je parle…” - Once partners have completed the exchange with one pair, they can move on to another.
- The educator should provide a model of this Interaction prior to commencing and set time constraints and expectations to enhance classroom management.
Rémue-meninge : Écrire – Dyade – Partager
- Learners will conduct a brainstorming session on the benefits of being multilingual through a write-pair-share activity.
- Write the question, “Quelles sont les avantages d’être plurilingue ? Y a-t-il des inconvénients ?”Reinforce that plurilingualism goes beyond speaking, listening and writing, but requires understanding and engaging with different cultures.
- Encourage learners to think about the cognitive (mental processes), educational and cultural advantages.Anticipated responses or vocabulary can be found using these resources:
- Vidéo – Les avantages de parler français ou d’être bilingue
- Article – L’importance du bilinguisme
Strategies to Support Multilingual Learners:
- Encourage learners to use classroom resources to extend their vocabulary should they be unsure of words.
- During discussion, organically add words to a Word Wall (Mur de mots) that are linked to the article “Les avantages du bilinguisme”.
Learners will have their understanding extended, or their prior learning reinforced. They will be provided opportunities to practice and apply their learning.
A. La Pré-lecture:
Complete the first two columns of a KWL Chart (Tableau SVA, ce que je sais/ce que je veux savoir) to contextualize the text. Ensure class discussion adequately addresses underlined and bold vocabulary words In the article.
Tip: Multilingual learners require repeated exposure to new vocabulary. Consolidation of new vocabulary occurs when students are able to read them, listen to them and apply them In context.
The first reading should focus on comprehension. The second can address a grammatical or syntax phenomenon In French that authentically meets the needs of learners. This article contains: les adjectifs au pluriel/l’accord des genres, la liaison, le présent, and more.
B. Après la lecture
Complete the last column of the KWL Chart / Tableau SVA (Ce que j’ai appris). This can be completed as a Write-Pair-Share activity, in pairs, or as a class.
Une campagne sur le plurilinguisme:
- Create anticipation for the consolidation activity (une campagne sur le plurilinguisme).
- Discuss effective techniques used in advertisements, and how students will leverage their understanding of their target audience for an effective campaign. It would be beneficial to show examples of effective campaigns and discuss multimodal features that confer their efficacy.
- Co-construct parameters, timelines and assessment criteria for the campaign. Facilitate student planning by discussing possible tools (e.g., Canva),*It may be necessary to review writing using the imperative tense prior to engaging in this activity.
Learners will have opportunities to consolidate and reflect. They will be encouraged to demonstrate their learning.
Présentation: Learners can present their campaign to their classroom or school community to showcase their learning.
Questions de réflexion: Learners can select from the reflection questions at the end of the learning episode. Provide access to word wall, and other pertinent reference material or writing models.
Extension activities: (optional)
- Extend the school-wide campaign into students’ local community to advertise the benefits of being plurilingual
- Explore the Idea that plurilingualism is a lifelong skill with ongoing benefits
Reflection Activity:
Billet de sortie – Les avantages du bilinguisme
Learners can also reflect on their experience and demonstrate their language skills in their myBlueprint digital portfolio.
Global Competencies:
Activity created by Anthony Nolletti (EECD Learning Specialist)