
Digital Story Telling & Podcasting dans la classe FLS!

Elementary Block, Middle Block, Secondary Block
Subjects: Art, French Immersion Language Arts, Post Intensive French, Technology


De nouvelles ressources pédagogiques pour donner une voix à tous les élèves  et renforcer leurs compétences globales! La plateforme IDÉLLO (accessible à tous les éducateurs de Nouveau-Brunswick) est un site web sécurisé destiné aux apprenants de FLS (de la 1e à la 12e année). La série de vidéos Français sans Frontières offre aux éducateurs des techniques créatives pour habiliter leurs apprenants à partager leur culture en produisant une histoire numérique ou un balado.

  • Placer les élèves au cœur de leur apprentissage
  • Développer des compétences en littératie et en compréhension interculturelle
  • Mettre en pratique les compétences clés de l’ère numérique



New teaching resources to give all students a voice and strengthen their global competency skills! The IDÉLLO platform (accessible to all NB educators) is a secure website dedicated to FSL learners (grades 1-12). The featured Français sans Frontières video series, offers creative techniques for educators to empower their learners to produce a digital story or podcast that shares their unique culture.

  • Place students at the heart of their learning
  • Develop literacy skills and intercultural understanding
  • Apply key digital literacy skills


NB Curricular Connections

Example – Middle Block

Early French Immersion Language Arts

Strand: Speaking and Listening 

  • Big Idea: Oral Comprehension – Skill Descriptor: Demonstrate understanding of different oral texts on a variety of topics using comprehension strategies.
  • Big Idea: Oral Production and Interaction – Skill Descriptor: Share information, knowledge, ideas, and opinions on a variety of topics using various types of presentations and/or exchanges.
  • Big Idea Multicultural Identities and Cultural Appreciation – Skill Descriptor: Describe how languages and cultures shape learners’ own evolving identities and worldviews.

CEFR reference tool French 

CEFR reference tool English 


Strand: Design Thinking Skills

  • Big Idea: Problem Solving – Skill Descriptor: Construct and present a project within given parameters and with assistance.

Strand: Information Technology Skills

  • Big Idea: Digital Citizenship – Skill Descriptor: Apply cybersecurity knowledge to personal data.

Visual Arts

Strand: Create

  • Big Idea: Application and Product- Skill Descriptor: Create and present expressive work for a range of audiences and purposes using a variety of art media including technology.

What You’ll Need

  • Access to IDÉLLO platform, video series and collection of educator resources for Français sans Frontières.
  • Access to technology: e.g personal device, tablet, laptop
  • Content creation software: e.g imovie, adobe express, flip, canva, audacity, stream.


Reflection Activity

  • See attachment for reflection ideas that are suitable for FSL learners in grades 6-12.

Extension Ideas (optional)

On MediaSmarts | HabiloMédias ( you will find various lesson plans and resources in both French and English, to expand on media related topics.

Global Competencies

What We Teach: Being and Becoming Globally Competent – NB Curriculum Framework (




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