
Yeast Fermentation Guided Inquiry Science Project

Grades 9-12
Subjects: Science

French Resources Available


The intent of this project is to follow a Teacher-Guided Inquiry methodology that is adapted from Youth Canada Science’s Smarter Science Framework. Learners will conduct a simple experiment involving yeast fermentation of sugars, choosing what variables to manipulate and control.

NB Curricular Connections

Science 9/10

  • Strand: – Scientific Literacy – Big Idea: Investigation – Skill Descriptors: Plan investigations to answer questions about relationships between and among variables observed, Collect and represent accurate data using tools and methods appropriate for investigations.
  • Strand: Scientific Literacy – Big Idea: Sensemaking – Skill Descriptor: Analyze and interpret qualitative and quantitative data to construct explanations and conclusions.
  • Strand: Scientific Literacy – Big Idea: Communication – Skill Descriptor: Communicate procedure, result, and conclusion using a variety of media and working collaboratively
  • Strand: Learning and Living Sustainably– Big Idea: Responsible and Sustainable Application – Skill Descriptors: Apply scientific and technological knowledge and an understanding of sustainable practices responsibly, Identify community-based challenges connected to at least two of Sustainable Development Goals 31314, and 15, and apply iterative processes to design solutions.

What You’ll Need

  • Download “Yeast Fermentation Science Inquiry Project” (attached) and print one per group
  • Assuming a student group size of two:
    • Pop bottle or Erlenmeyer Flask
    • Balloon
    • Dry active yeast
    • Sugars of various types (Sucrose, Glucose, Fruit Juice, Syrup, etc)
    • Fabric measuring tape, or string and a ruler.
    • Thermometer
    • Volumetric containers (Graduated cylinders, beakers, or measuring spoons)
    • Mass balance
    • * Depending on what the learners choose to include the materials can vary


  1. Before starting this activity, learners should be able to make graphs and organize data tables.
  2. Introduce the activity by presenting the materials inform learners that they will have to measure the rate of the fermentation process based on conditions they choose.
  3. Hand out the “Yeast Fermentation Science Inquiry Project” learner document (attached).
  4. Go over the handout and inform students that they are to create their own experimental design given the presented materials.
  5. Have students research their topic and form their own inquiry question.

Assessment Ideas

  • Consider using a rubric or checklist as learners work through the design process
  • Consider have the learners write a lab report based on their experimental design

Reflection Activity

Coming soon


This activity was created using the Smarter Science Framework by Youth Science Canada (