
5210- A way of Life Program (Horizon Health)

Grades 3-5, Grades K-2
Subjects: Explore Your World, Personal Wellness


5210 A Way of Life is an initiative that promotes healthy behaviours and environments. The simple 5210 messages encourage eating well and being active every day, two important habits for good health.  The following activity explains the four messages promoted by the 5210 initiative.

NB Curricular Connections

Curriculum Connection:

Explore Your World

  • Strand: Well-Being – Big Idea: Physical Health and Active Participation – Skill Descriptor: Analyze personal safety and healthy practices.
  • Strand: Well-Being – Big Idea: Emotional Health and Positive Identities – Skill Descriptor:
    • Explore activities that foster enjoyment and well-being.
    • Recognize that feelings and emotions can impact well-being, relationships, and the way we engage with others.

Personal Wellness 3-5

    • Strand: Wellness – Big Idea: Healthy Lifestyle – Skill Descriptor:
      • Grade 3: Analyze personal safety and healthy practices.
      • Grade 4: Describe personal safety and healthy practices.
      • Grade 5: Assess personal safety and healthy practices.
    • Strand: Mental Fitness – Big Idea: Mental Health Strategies – Skill Descriptor:
      • Grade 3: Demonstrate self-calming strategies to regulate emotional reactions.
      • Grade 4: Identify strategies for regulating emotional reactions.
      • Grade 5: Identify strategies for seeking support for self and others.
    • Strand: Mental Fitness – Big Idea: Positive Mental Health – Skill Descriptor:
      • Grade 3: Explore the importance of talking about emotions and emotional responses.
      • Grade 4: Describe the seven primary emotions and their expression.
      • Grade 5: Identify ways to manage stress and regulate emotions.

What you’ll need

  • The 5210 A Way of Life Resource Kit
  • The 5210 A Way of Life Teacher Presentation
  • A wide-open space for students to stand in a circle
  • Handout: What is 5210?


  • Review the 5210 Resource Kit (PDF attached)
  • Watch the 5210 A way of Life Teacher Presentation 5210 Presentation
  • Explain the 5210 messages using the “What is 5210?” handout.
  • Have students stand in a circle.
  • Call out different activities from the list below (or add your own). Some are recommended as part of the 5210 messages, and some are not.
  • Tell the students that if the activity is recommended by 5210, they need to run in place (or do another chosen action – (i.e. squats, jumping jacks, etc.).
  • Tell the students that if the activity isn’t 5210 recommended, they need to stand still.
  • If you notice that one or more students run when they shouldn’t or don’t run when they should, instead of addressing those students directly or calling them out, teach the whole group why the activity is or isn’t 5210 recommended (or ask if one of the students wants to explain it) so that the entire group understands the concept. Then, move on to the next statement.
5210 recommendations Not a 5210 recommendation
Drinking water Playing video games
Playing outside daily Drinking sports drinks (Gatorade, Powerade)
Eating vegetables with every meal Watching TV in the bedroom
Enjoying outdoor activities every season Eating a meal in front of the TV
Running Drinking chocolate milk
Reading Drinking pop
Skiing Not eating vegetables or fruit during the day
Drinking plain milk Not moving for a long period of time
Eating apples, kiwis, berries, or other fruit Drinking slushies
Playing basketball (or any other sport) Not having vegetables with your lunch
Walking the dog Spending all evening watching TV
Practicing yoga Not having fruit with breakfast
Meditating Not drinking any water during the day
Drinking water flavoured with fruit slices Bringing the tablet in the bedroom
Going on a family bike ride Drinking juice

 Activity downloaded from the website:

Reflection Activity

**coming soon**

Global Competencies

  1. SelfAwareness.pdf (
  2. CriticalThinking.pdf (


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