Experiential learning opportunity

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia – 5 FREE Recorded Sessions for Education Assistants, Schools and Support Staff

All of NB
The 5-part series 
Areas of interest: Business, Careers, EAL, Engineering, English Language Arts, Entrepreneurship, Environment, Exceptionalities, French Second Language, Health, Math, Personal Wellness, Physical Education, Science, Social Studies, Technology

Please join Marlee Boyle, BSc RRT CCSH for a FREE 5-part webinar series to learn how to identify thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that are contributing to the symptoms of insomnia.

Audience – Education Assistants, Schools & Support Staff

** All sessions will be recorded and shared under the COE Health Virtual Speaking Series Tab **

We now know that sleeping pills are not the solution to insomnia and that it is possible to successfully treat insomnia using cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). CBT-i has been endorsed by the National Institutes of Health as an effective and preferred method for treating insomnia. Research on CBT-i shows the following:

  • 75% of insomnia patients experience significantly improved sleep
  • The majority become normal sleepers
  • 85- 90% reduce or eliminate sleeping pills
  • CBTis more effective than sleeping pills

CBTi achieves these results because it is based on the idea that insomnia can only be treated effectively by addressing the underlying causes of insomnia- thoughts and behaviours- which are learned and can be unlearned.

Week 1- Sleep education and cognitive restructuring

Week 2- Sleep scheduling and sleeping pills

Week 3-Stimulus control

Week 4– The relaxation response

Week 5- Sleep hygiene and relapse prevention

Marlee is a registered respiratory therapist, certified in clinical sleep health and has spent almost 10 years working in a sleep disorder clinic and lab. Her specialties include treating sleep disordered breathing and insomnia through cognitive behavioural therapy. Marlee works directly with sleep medicine patients, families and practitioners to coordinate and manage patient care, improve outcomes, educate clients and the community, and advocate for the importance of good sleep healthcare. Marlee’s goal is to change the culture of sleeplessness, as well as promote individuals to take control of their health and wellness by making sleep a priority in their lives.

A recorded information session with Marlee Boyle is ready for you to watch and learn more about the CBT-I Training

CBT- Insomnia Information Session for New Brunswick Teachers – YouTube

How to join:


Tools (optional):

CBT-i Coach app for iPhones: CBT-i coach on App Store

CBT-i Coach app for Androids: CBT-i Coach app on Google Play



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