This activity developed by myBlueprint, encourages Post Intensive French students to discover French vocabulary related to a personal passion or hobby, and to reflect on strategies used to understand spoken and written French, by researching information on French speaking individuals who made a living in this field. Additionally, students will research an occupation in a field of interest, find a related post-secondary program that would match the occupation requirements and then practice their oral and written communication skills by creating a portfolio on myBlueprint that they will present to their peers.
NB Curricular Connections:
High School Block Post-Intensive French
- Strand Oral Communication – Big Idea: Speak, listen, communicate, interact
- Strand Reading and Viewing – Big Idea: Comprehend, Respond, Interpret
- Strand Writing and Representing – Big Idea: Create Simple Text
What you’ll need:
● Computer/Tablet/Mobile Device
● Download the activity from myBlueprint, which includes instructions, student handouts and rubrics.
- Familiarize yourself with the myBlueprint platform and educational supports by visiting myBlueprint.ca | Support.
- Follow the steps in the activity guide attached. Adapt to best meet your learners’ needs.
Please see attachment for reflection ideas for FSL learners grades 6-12
Extension ideas (optional):
- Explore how you can integrate digital language learning portfolios into your FSL class with myBlueprint Educator Planner. myBlueprint Digital Language Learning Portfolios | Centre of Excellence for Language Learning (centresofexcellencenb.ca)
- Extend learning with an english myBlueprint research activity on the power of language skills – The Power of Language Skills | Centre of Excellence for Language Learning (centresofexcellencenb.ca)
- Discover more educational resources and ideas on how to make the most of myBlueprint education planner myBlueprint.ca | Support
Global Competencies:
What We Teach: Being and Becoming Globally Competent – NB Curriculum Framework (nbed.ca)
myBlueprint portfolio activity
Reflection tools for FSL 6-12