
Là est la QUESTION! série

Middle Block, Secondary Block
Subjects: Career Education, French Immersion Language Arts


Vous souhaitez découvrir comment les vidéos peuvent être utilisées comme outils de littératie dans votre classe française ? Dans cette activité, les apprenants de langue française pourront s’entraîner à renforcer leur compréhension et leur production orale, ainsi que leurs compétences en matière d’intéraction, à l’aide de vidéos à fort intérêt, liées à la carrière et basées sur des enquêtes.


Interested in exploring how videos can be used as literacy tools in your French language learning classroom? In this activity French language learners will be able to practice strengthening their oral comprehension, production, and interaction skills with the help of high-interest, career connected and inquiry-based videos.

NB Curricular Connections

Example: Middle Block

Subject – Grade 8 French Immersion Language Arts

  • Speaking and ListeningBig Idea: Oral Comprehension – Skill Descriptor: Demonstrates understanding of increasingly complex oral texts on a variety of topics using comprehension strategies.
  • Speaking and Listening – Big Idea: Oral Production and Interaction – Skill Descriptor; Share information, knowledge, ideas and opinions on a various types of presentations ad or/exchanges.
  • Speaking and Listening – Big Idea: Multilingual identities and cultural appreciation – Skill Descriptor: Describe how language and cultures shape owns evolving identities and worldviews.

CEFR tool French

CEFR tool English

Subject – Grade 8 Personal Wellness

  • Career Connected Learning – Big Idea: Experiencing Potential career pathways – Skill Descriptor: Engage in frequent and ongoing career connected experiential learning to learn about preferred career pathways and develop personal competencies.


What You’ll Need

  • IDELLO online platform, free account accessible to all educators in New Brunswick.
  • Video series: Là est la question! | Idéllo (
  • Copies of the fiche d’activité reproductive pour élèves  Là est la question !?
  • The structure of the graphic organizer is in a format that can be reused with other videos from the series. Establishing familiar routines and structures is an effective language learning strategy.


Access video series Là est la question on IDELLO → Là est la question! | Idéllo (  Select season 4, which contains 30+ short clips (approx. 3min). Each clip begins with an inquiry question, followed by an expert in a career field who is able to provide the answer and explanation to the initial question (straight from the primary source).

Previewing Activity

  1. Select a video for your students to view. For example, episode 8 Archéologue Subaquatique. On their fiche, have students fill in the name of the career in the middle of the organizer and the question stated on the video “Est-ce qu’il y a toujours des trésors à découvrir sous la mer?” at the top.
  2. Access prior knowledge of the concept and term “compétence” (skill).  Explain that Habilités + Connaissances = Compétences. Une habilité c’est la capacité requise pour accomplir une tache. La connaissance est acquiert au contact de l’information. Here is an Optional video to help deepen understanding of the concept of compétences/skills.
  3. Explain that each career path requires certain skills to be successful. Developing and maintaining certain skills is an ongoing process. Use language learning as an example and refer to the Common European Framework of Reference scale as a helpful tool for all language learners.
  4. Compile a list of examples of skills (can include hablilités et connaissances) that are useful for certain jobs. For example, a hockey coach needs to be knowledgeable about the rules and plays, and also be a good communicator who provides effective feedback to the players. These ideas can be added to a mur thématique de langage requis (organized par classes des mots) if you use one in your classroom. This mur could be later expanded to include more career exploration concepts, such as the importance of reflecting on personal intérêts et aptitudes when considering career paths. See template attached.
  5. Next, select random images from the video for your learners to make predictions. Either pause the video at certain frames, or snip images for previewing prior. Using whole class or small groups, give students time to discuss their predictions. Ex. À votre avis, que se passe-t-il dans cette image ? Que pensez-vous nous allons apprendre ? Pourquoi pensez-vous cela ?


Activité 1

  1. Set the intention. Review listening strategies and learning objectives.
  2. Objectif pour la première activité d’écoute: Identifier les (détails) mots ou phrases importants qui sont en lien avec la réponse initiale. While viewing the video, students will fill in their responses in the appropriate space in the graphic organizer (1).
  3. Objectif pour la première activité d’intéraction et production: Partager et justifiée ses idées qui sont en lien avec la réponse initiale. Next, in small groups, students will review and share their ideas and discuss the possible answer to the initial question, e.g. “Est-ce qu’il y a toujours des trésors à découvrir sous la mer?”. Convene for a whole class discussion to capture some of the ideas and decide what could be added to the mur thematique. At this point, give learners time to write out their own answer to the question in the appropriate box of the graphic organizer (2).

Activité 2

  1. Set the intention. Review speaking and interaction strategies and objectives.
  2. Objectif pour la deuxième actvité d’écoute: Identifer les (détails) mots, phrases importants, ou observations, qui sont en lien avec les compétences requises pour cette carrière. While viewing the video again, students will fill in their ideas in the appropriate space in the graphic organizer (3).
  3. Objectif pour la deuxième activité d’intéraction et production: Partager et justifiée ses opinions – est-ce une carrière qui t’interesserais? Next, in new small groups, students will review and share their ideas on the compétences that they previously identified. Students will discuss if this is a career that would interest them. Ex. Cette carrière m’interesserais beaucoup parce que Je peux déjà nager très bien…Cette carrière ne m’interesserais pas parce que je ne suis pas à l’aise dans l’eau. Convene for a whole class discussion to capture some of the ideas that were shared in the small groups and decide what could be added to the mur thematique. At this point, give time for each learner to write out their own answer to the question in the appropriate box of the graphic organizer (4).

Multilingual identities and worldview:

Together read over the final inferential question on the back of the fiche.

Question Inférentielle : Comment est-ce que la compétence (l’habilité et connaissances) de communiquer dans les deux langues officielles peut-elle être un avantage pour une personne dans cette carrière? Réfléchis à ce que tu as appris dans cette actvité et à ce que tu sais déjà.

Provide learners some time to discuss their ideas and insights with a partner for pair and share first.

Students will fill in their response independently. Drawings with labels and speech bubbles are also encouraged to represent and communicate their ideas!


  • Display students’ responses to the multilingual identities and worldview inferential question around the classroom. Allow students time do a gallery walk and to provide feedback on each other’s reflections.
  • Encourage students to reflect on their experience and complete an exit slip or digital reflection in their myBlueprint portfolio.


Extension Activities (optional)

  • Repeat this activity with more videos from the series! Students can then go back to look at which ones they noted as being of an interest and do a research project of their choice to find out even more about these particular career-paths.
  •  Idello  offers many additional educational resources with this series, that can be downloaded to support more extension activities.
  • Build upon this lesson, by exploring more French career exploration resources such as Idello series Mix Métiers | Idéllo (  Continue adding to your mur thématique!

Global Competencies

What We Teach: Being and Becoming Globally Competent – NB Curriculum Framework (



Là est la Question! Fiche reproductive for students

Mur thematique template


CEFR descriptors